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How to Customize WooCommerce Order Emails


Are you tired of sending boring WooCommerce order emails to your customers? Customizing WooCommerce emails is an excellent way to create a more engaging and personalized shopping experience for your customers. However, creating custom emails in WooCommerce can be challenging, especially if you’re not familiar with coding or design.

Fortunately, there is a solution.Using a plugin like “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce” can be easy to create visually appealing and branded email templates that match your store’s identity. Customize WooCommerce Order Emails to improve brand identity, customer loyalty and increase revenue.

So, if you’re tired of sending out boring order emails and want to create visually appealing and branded emails,use this powerful plugin. This plugin provides an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to add your logo, choose your color scheme, and customize WooCommerce transactional emails completely with just a few clicks.

In this blog, you will understand about WooCommerce Order emails, its types and the advantages of customizing emails. You will most importantly learn how to customize WooCommerce order emails with “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”. Also you will know about the best practices to follow while customizing emails.

Send customized emails to customers and drive more sales easily using Email Customizer

What are WooCommerce Order Emails?

WooCommerce Order Emails are automated emails that are sent to customers after they have placed an order in an online store. These emails are transactional emails that contain information such as order details, shipping information, and payment confirmation.

As soon as a customer purchases a product in WooCommerce, they receive an email regarding their order information. These are WooCommerce Order Emails. These emails build trust and relationship with your customers.

Types of WooCommerce Order Emails

WooCommerce has seven order emails, as shown in the screenshot below.

types of woocommerce order emails
  • New Order Email: This email is sent to the website administrator when a new order is placed. It contains details such as the order number, customer information, and order items.
  • Canceled Order Email: This WooCommerce canceled order email is sent to the website administrator when the customer’s order is canceled.
  • Failed Order Email: This email is sent to the website administrator when the customer’s order has failed.
  • Order on-hold Email: This WooCommerce order on-hold email is sent to the customer when their order is placed on hold. This may occur if the payment has not been processed or if there are issues with the order.
  • Processing Order Email: This email is sent to the customer when their order is being processed. This WooCommerce processing order email confirms that the order has been received and is being prepared for shipping.
  • Completed Order Email: This email is sent to the customer when their order has been completed and shipped. This WooCommerce completed order email includes details such as the shipping carrier, tracking number, and expected delivery date.
  • Refunded Order Email: This email is sent to the customer when their order has been refunded. It confirms that the refund has been processed and provides details on when the funds will be returned.

Why is it important to Customize WooCommerce Order Emails?

WooCommerce Order Emails are important to have valuable interaction with your customers. It needs to be impressive so that customers can recognize your brand and make purchases in the future. You don’t want your email to look boring, do you?

Sending visually appealing and personalized order emails can make your customers feel valued and rewarded for their purchases. This can increase customer engagement and ultimately drive sales growth for your business.

Customizing your WooCommerce order emails is a simple yet effective way to enhance your brand image, improve customer engagement, and boost your online visibility.

Advantages of customizing Order Emails in WooCommerce

Customize WooCommerce order emails and bring a number of benefits to your online store. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Improve Brand Identity: Editing order emails in WooCommerce with your brand colors, logo, and fonts can help reinforce your brand identity and make your store more recognizable to customers.
  • Personalization: By including personalized content in your order emails, such as the customer’s name, order details, and a personalized message, you can make the customer feel valued and increase engagement with your store.
  • Improved customer experience: A well-designed and informative order email can help customers understand their order status, delivery date, and any other important information related to their purchase. This can improve the overall customer experience and reduce any chance of confusion or frustration.
  • Upselling opportunities: By including recommendations for related products or services in your order emails, you can increase the chance of customers making additional purchases from your store.
  • Increased loyalty: Providing a positive and personalized experience for customers through order emails can help build customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.

Customizing your order emails can help differentiate your store from competitors, improve the customer experience, and increase customer loyalty and revenue. Now let’s learn how you can actually customize WooCommerce order emails to get all these advantages.

Customize WooCommerce order emails quickly with Email Customizer and boost conversions

How to customize WooCommerce Order Emails?

To Customize Woocommerce Order Emails, you need a plugin like “Email Customizer plus for WooCommerce.” Customizing your WooCommerce store can be tough if you’re not a coder. But the email customizer plugin makes it easy. The drag-and-drop email editor lets you quickly edit everything from top to bottom and help you create professionally customized emails in WooCommerce.

In this guide, we will use “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce” to customize Order Emails in WooCommerce.

If you haven’t installed it yet, please follow this guide to purchase and download the plugin. For more information on the installation process, check out this guide.

Now let’s get started to customize order emails with WooCommerce Email Customizer.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
  2. The page will display all the Order Email Templates in WooCommerce.
  3. Choose an order email template to customize and click the “edit icon” to start editing.
customizing the email templates

4. Now, you will be asked to choose a template. The Email Customizer Plugin comes with two built-in templates. Choose either one as the base template and proceed to customize WooCommerce order emails.

choosing the base template

5. The plugin directs you to the default page. The drag and drop editor helps you to edit the order email quickly. You can now start editing the email body, change the logo, edit email content, add any upsells or cross-sell products and more with the number of options available.

customizer drag and drop editor

6. The editor offers blocks like text, images and lets you style the email with custom font, add logos and more.

style email with customization

7. You can even add additional sections to the email body and add or edit WooCommerce order email content using the drag and drop editor.

additional section to email

8. You also add dynamic data like customer address, order summary or integrate with third party tools like Retainful as well.

Add dynamic data like address

After adding the required columns and elements, you might want to add your brand’s identity to each section. The WooCommerce Email Customizer Plus plugin has a number of options to add clickable images and to design each section in a professional way.

You can change the background color, text color, text size, and more for each section.

Once you have finished customizing the order email template, you can click on the Select “Preview” button to view your order email template. You can also check the desktop view or mobile view.

preview for responsive devices

After customizing the order email template “Save and Publish” the customized order email.

Features of Email Customizer for WooCommerce

Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce comes with a number of features that makes you easily customize WooCommerce order emails.We have listed some of the key features below.

  • The drag and drop email builder makes it easy for you to quickly customize WooCommerce Emails.
  • Short codes to create dynamic content like customer names, order summary, customer notes, addresses, and more.
  • 15+ elements including text, images, buttons, paragraphs, social icons, and more to add to your Email.
  • Ready-made WooCommerce Email template to customize WooCommerce Emails quickly.
  • Check the Desktop View and Mobile View of the Email.
  • MJML options to import templates from any site.
  • The Multi-Language support option helps you create Emails in different languages.
  • Send test emails to check the look of the customized email template.
  • Support for emails from “WooCommerce Subscriptions.”
  • Support for emails from “WooCommerce Bookings.”
  • Support for emails from “WooCommerce Memberships.”
  • Support for emails from “WPLoyalty
  • Support for “Custom WooCommerce Order Status manager.”
  • Support for “WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor.”
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite.
  • Custom CSS option for more WooCommerce email template customization.

Best Practices to follow while Customizing Order Emails in WooCommerce

Customizing the order emails in WooCommerce can be a great way to build brand loyalty and improve the customer experience. Following some best practices can create effective email templates that not only provide customers with important order information but also reflect your brand’s identity and help to drive sales. We have listed a few best practices below:

  • Keep the brand’s tone and voice consistent: Make sure that the email template reflects the same tone and voice as the brand. This helps to build a strong brand identity and makes the email recognizable to the customer.
  • Personalize the email content: Use customer data such as name, order details, and order history to personalize the email. This can help to make the email feel more personal and can also help to increase customer engagement and loyalty.
    WooCommerce order emails
  • Highlight the most important information: Ensure the most critical information, such as order details and shipping information, is easy to find.This helps to ensure that the customer has all the information they need and can also help to reduce customer service inquiries.
  • Make the email visually appealing: Use images, graphics, and formatting to make the email visually appealing and easy to read. This can help to keep the customer engaged and can also help to increase the chances of the email being shared.
  • Include a clear call-to-action: Include a clear call-to-action in the email, such as a link to track the order or a discount code for the next purchase. This can help to increase customer engagement and can also help to drive repeat purchases.
  • Test the email template: Before sending out the email, make sure to test the email template on different devices and email clients to ensure that it looks and functions as intended. This can help to ensure that the email is effective and can also help to reduce customer service inquiries.

If you follow these best practices, you can create effective email templates that help to drive sales and build a strong brand identity.

Send customized order emails to customers and build your brand identity easily


Overall, customizing order emails in WooCommerce is an important step in building a successful Woocommerce business. It can help to improve the customer experience and increase customer engagement and loyalty. A well-designed and optimized email system, helps you build trust with your customers and encourage repeat purchases, leading to increased sales and growth for your business.

Take the time to test and optimize your email templates, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed to ensure they are effective. With the right plugin, like “Email Customize plus for WooCommerce,” you can customize WooCommerce Order Emails and create exceptional email experience for your customers and boost your sales.

How do I customize my order email in WooCommerce?

To customize your order email in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the order email template you want to customize.
3.Choose any one of the built-in order email templates and proceed.
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start editing the email body, change the logo, add more text, add any upsells or cross-sell products, and more.
5.You can also add dynamic content, clickable images, and change text or background color.
6.After customizing the order email template based on your preference, save it.

How do I customize my WooCommerce order confirmation email?

To customize your WooCommerce order confirmation email in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the completed order email template.
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates and proceed.
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start editing the email body, change the logo, add more text, add any upsells or cross-sell products, and more.
5.You can also add dynamic content, clickable images, and change text or background color.
6.After customizing the email template based on your preference, save it.

How do I change my new order email in WooCommerce?

To change your new order email in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the new order email template
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates and proceed.
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start editing the email body, change the logo, add more text, add any upsells or cross-sell products, and more.
5.You can also add dynamic content, clickable images, and change text or background color.
6.After changing the new order email template based on your preference, save it.

How do I change my email style in WooCommerce?

To change your email style in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the email template you want to style.
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates and proceed.
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start editing the email body, change the logo, add more text, add any upsells or cross-sell products, and more to change the email style.
5.You can select each section to change text or background color and change the email style.
6.After changing the email style based on your preference, save it.

How do I customize my WooCommerce customer email?

To customize your WooCommerce customer email, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the customer email template you want to customize.
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates and proceed.
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start customizing the email body, change the logo, add more text, add any upsells or cross-sell products, and more.
5.You can also add dynamic content, clickable images, and change text or background color.
6.After customizing the WooCommerce customer email based on your preference, save it.

How do I add a custom field to a new order email in WooCommerce?

To add a custom field to a new order email in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the new order email template.
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can add a custom field in the new order email.
5.After customizing the email template based on your preference, save it.

How do I test an order confirmation email in WooCommerce?

To test an order confirmation email in WooCommerce, install and activate “Email Customizer Plus for WooCommerce”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Email Customizer Plus
2.Click the edit icon on the completed order email template.
3.Choose any one of the built-in templates
4.Now with the drag-and-drop email editor, you can start editing the email body.
5.After customizing the email template, click the “Send test email” button to test your order confirmation email.
6.Save and enable the customized email template after testing.

Picture of Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana is an enthusiastic content writer who infuses creativity into every word she pens. For her, writing, dancing, and painting form a symphony of expression.
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