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How do you change the sales badge text in WooCommerce?

How Do I Change the Sales Badge Text in WooCommerce

“Make Your WooCommerce Sales Stand Out: Customize Your Sale Badges for More Sales!
You’ve probably seen the common “Sale!” badge while shopping online, but is it really enough to catch your customers’ attention and make them buy? The answer is no. Today, with so many online stores competing, you need a smart strategy. One powerful way is to personalize the text on your WooCommerce sales badges.

This blog explores WooCommerce sale badges and why the default text might not be the best choice. It shows you how easy it is to customize the text to create messages that really work. We’ll also talk about a plugin called Discount Rules for WooCommerce. This plugin goes even further by showing the actual discount percentage on your sales badges, adding urgency for your customers.

Here’s what you’ll find in this guide:

  1. Why customizing your sale badge text is important: Learn how specific messages can get more people interested and buying.
  2. Beyond “Sale!”: Explore different and effective sale badge text options that fit your brand and promotions.
  3. Showing the discount percentage: Find out how the Discount Rules for WooCommerce plugin can make your sales badges even better and inform your customers right away.
  4. Step-by-step instructions: Get easy, clear instructions on changing your sale badge text in WooCommerce, both manually and with the plugin.

Ready to make your WooCommerce sales badges really work? Read this blog to discover the secrets to creating messages that boost sales and make your customers think, “Now that’s a deal I can’t say no to!”

Change Woocommerce Sale Badge text with Discount Rules and boost sales easily

What is a WooCommerce Sale Badge?

In WooCommerce, a sale badge is a visual indicator that is displayed on product images to inform customers that the product is currently on sale or has a discounted price. It serves as a promotional tool to attract attention and encourage potential buyers to take advantage of the discounted offer.

The sale badge typically includes text like “Sale” or “Discount,” and it often incorporates visually appealing elements such as a percentage off or a specific amount reduced from the original price. This badge is automatically added to products that have a sale price configured in the WooCommerce settings.

The sale badge helps create a sense of urgency and highlights special offers, contributing to a more engaging and effective online shopping experience for customers. It is a common feature in e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, which is a WordPress plugin widely used for building and managing online stores.

In WooCommerce, the products with Sale prices are displayed with the label “Sale,” which will look like this.

display of WooCommerce Sale Badge

You can use tempting words and attractive colors to change the sale badge in WooCommerce completely. Look at the picture below, where we have changed the sale badge text using “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.

changed WooCommerce Sale Badge

 Examples of WooCommerce Sale Badge Text

A number of sale badge text is displayed differently for different requirements. We will show you some of the most commonly used sale badge scenarios.

Limited-Time Offer Sale Badge

This type of Sale Badge tells the customer that the discount on a product is only available for a short period. Scheduled Sale Badge creates a sense of urgency in customers and encourages quick purchases.

You can use words like “Flash Sale,” “Hurry,” “Grab soon,” or “Limited offer” to show the discount is only for a shorter time.

limited-offer WooCommerce Sale Badge

Seasonal or Promotional Sale Badge

The Sale badge indicates a sale on a particular season (Summer, Winter) and any promotion for holidays sale or launch sale.

You can use words like “Black Friday Sale,” “Festive Offer,” “Easter Special,” or “Launch sale” to show that the discount is only for specific seasons. 

seasonal or limited offer woocommerce sale badge

Clearance Sale Badge

With this type of Sale Badge, Customers can understand that the specific brand is clearing their stock. Hence, the products are available at discounted prices. 

Words like “Clearance Sale,” “End Sale,” and “Last Chance Deal” show that the brand is about to clear the stock. 

clearance sale badge

Why is it important to change the WooCommerce Sale Badge Text?

It is important to change Sale Badge in WooCommerce with specific information, as it helps customers go through a transparent and trust-worthy shopping experience. It gives customers more clarity about the discounts and positively impacts the purchase decisions of the customers. This clarity also helps build trust and earn customer loyalty.

Moreover, the clear display of discounts creates a sense of urgency and lets customers complete their purchases soon.

For Example, With the simple word “Sale,” customers wouldn’t know what kind of sale is and how it benefits them. But specific information like “Flash Sale” will definitely encourage customers to complete the purchase quickly.

Hence, you can see reduced abandoned carts and an increase in conversions.

In the era where customers are exposed to more online content, the simplicity and clarity of words in a Sale Badge can give them an easy and enjoyable shopping experience. 

Benefits of Sale Badge Text in WooCommerce

A Sale Badge Text in WooCommerce can get you a number of benefits, like providing an enjoyable shopping experience for your customers, reducing abandoned carts, and boosting conversions. Let’s discuss more benefits in detail.

  • Gain Customer Attention: When you add sale badge in WooCommerce with bright colors and the right words, customers’ attention easily falls on the product, encouraging them to purchase.
  • Easy Shopping Experience for Customers: With a WooCommerce Custom sale badge, you can easily direct your customers to the products with discounts. Hence, the shopping journey becomes easy and smooth for your customers.
  • Build Trust: If your customers shop because of sale badges and get quality products. They will eventually start trusting your brand.
  • Earn Customer Loyalty: Since you can easily build trust, the next step is seeing your retail customers turn into loyal customers.
  • Encourage Quick Purchases: Attractive sale badges with tempting words create a sense of urgency in customers, making them purchase soon before the products go out of sale. 
  • Get Repeat Purchases: Customers enjoy shopping with the indication of sale badges. They will have a memorable shopping experience, which in turn encourages them to return to the store for future purchases.
  • Reduce Abandoned Carts: WooCommerce Sale badges have the power to motivate customers to make impulsive purchase decisions. As a result, you can see a reduction in abandoned carts.
  • Boost Conversions: For customers who are not sure what to purchase, a sale badge can be the push they need. Hence, it can easily help you get more conversions.

Change WooCommerce Sale Badge Text and easily increase conversions with Discount Rules

How to add a WooCommerce Sale Badge?

WooCommerce, by default, automatically adds a “Sale Badge” to products with a regular price and a sale price defined.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products->All Products
  2. Select the product that you want to add a sale badge.
  3. Under the product data section, go to the General tab. 
  4. Add a Regular Price and a Sale Price.
  5. Update the Changes. 
adding regular price and sale price

The product will now show a Sale Badge.

default sale badge in WooCommerce

How to change the Sale Badge Text in WooCommerce?

To change the Sale Badge Text in WooCommerce, install and activate the free version of “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.” 

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules->Settings
  2. Scroll down to the Product Tab. You can see the “On sale Badge” option. There, select “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule plugin.”
  3. Now choose “Yes I would like to customize the sale badge”
  4. In the sale badge content box, you can replace the word “sale” with the word you want.

Look at the screenshot below for a better understanding.

changing sale badge text with discount rules

Finally, Save the changes.

changed sale badge with discount rules

Tips to effectively use a Sale Badge Text in WooCommerce

A Sale Badge on WooCommerce can give you more profits when used in the right way. Let’s look at a few tips that you can follow to increase its effectiveness. 

  • Use Clear Language: The goal is to make customers understand the discount at a glance. Hence, use catchy but simple words to grab their attention.
  • Use Bright Colours: Make the special offer unmissable with the bright color that you use. Bright colors like red or yellow can instantly attract customers. 
  • Highlight the Discount Percentage: Clearly stating the discount percentage has great effects. It can give a quick sense to customers of how much they’re saving. As a result, they might purchase immediately.
  • Create a sense of urgency: You can use phrases like “Hurry Up” or “Limited Offer” to encourage quick purchase decisions. The fear of missing out makes customers shop with your brand.
  • Maintain Consistency Across Products: It will be easy for customers to identify discounted products using a uniform sale badge with consistent design, color, and display position. 
  • A/B Test different Sale Badge Text: You can test sale badges with different variations in design to easily identify the most effective one. With this, you can the successful designs for further campaigns.
  • Track Sales and Conversion Rates: You can monitor how sale badges influence product sales. Then, analyze to make the required changes in the running campaigns and in the future campaigns.

Change the WooCommerce Sale Badge text, give a smooth shopping experience for customers, and get more sales


Changing the WooCommerce Sale Badge might seem like a simple strategy, but it can give you huge sales. When you are consistent with this technique, your customers will enjoy shopping with your brand, build trust, become loyal, and make more purchases. 

It is a simple process to change the WooCommerce sale badge with the free version of “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.

Learn how to display discount percentage on sale badge in WooCommerce. Also, learn other marketing strategies like Displaying Promo messages and Striking Original Price Over the Discount Price

How to add sale badge in WooCommerce?

To add sale badge in WooCommerce, you need to set a regular price and sale price for each product.
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products.
2.Choose the product you want to add sale badge, then set the regular price and sale price. 
3.Finally, click the Update button to save the changes. 

How to change sale badge in WooCommerce?

To change sale badge in WooCommerce, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules->Settings
2.Go to the products tab, on the sale badge section, click “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule plugin”
3.Click “Yes I would like to customize a sale badge.”
4.In the sale badge content box, you can change the text.
5.Finally, Save changes.

How to change sale badge text in WooCommerce

To change a sale badge text in WooCommerce, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules->Settings
2.Go to the products tab, on the sale badge section, click “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule plugin”
3.Click “Yes I would like to customize a sale badge.”
4.In the sale badge content box, you can change the text.
5.Finally, Save changes.

How do I get the sale badge in WooCommerce?

To get the sale badge in WooCommerce, you need to set a regular price and sale price for each product.
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products.
2.Choose the product you want to get sale badge, then set the regular price and sale price. 
3.Finally, click the Update button to save the changes. 

How do I add a badge in WooCommerce?

To add a badge in WooCommerce, you need to set regular price and sale price for each product.
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products.
2.Choose the product you want to add a sale badge, then set the regular price and sale price. 
3.Finally, click the Update button to save the changes.

What is the best seller badge in WooCommerce?

A “Best Seller” badge is a visual indicator placed on product listings or images, signifying that the product is one of the top-selling items within a particular category, platform, or store. 

How do I customise a sale badge in WooCommerce?

To customise a sale badge in WooCommerce, you need to install and active the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules->Settings
2.Go to the products tab, on the sale badge section, click “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule plugin”
3.Click “Yes I would like to customize a sale badge.”
4.In the sale badge content box, you can change the text
5.Finally, Save changes.

What is product badge?

A product badge refers to a small label that is typically placed on product images or listings to convey specific information about the product. This information can range from product attributes to promotional details. 

How do I add a product badge in WordPress?

To add a product badge in WordPress, you need to set a regular price and sale price for each product.
1.Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products.
2.Choose the product you want to get a product badge, then set the regular price and sale price. 
3.Finally, click the Update button to save the changes. 

Picture of Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana is an enthusiastic content writer who infuses creativity into every word she pens. For her, writing, dancing, and painting form a symphony of expression.
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