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How to Display the Discount Percentage on the Sale Badge in WooCommerce?

Display woocommerce discount percentage on sale badge

Ever wondered exactly how much you’re saving during a WooCommerce store sale? While the bright “SALE” badge draws your eye, it often leaves you guessing the actual discount. Imagine if you could instantly see the discount percentage displayed boldly, enhancing not just the appeal but also the effectiveness of your sales promotions.

In this article, you’ll discover how to showcase the discount percentage right on the WooCommerce sale badge, making it easier for your customers to see the value they’re getting. Whether it’s a modest 10% off or an enticing 50% discount, showing this percentage can significantly boost customer satisfaction and drive purchases.

We’ll guide you through using the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin to easily implement this feature. From setting up to customizing the sale badges to match your store’s aesthetics, we cover it all. This enhancement not only adds transparency to your pricing but also aligns perfectly with savvy shoppers who are always on the lookout for the best deals. Keep reading to learn how to make your sale badges more informative and effective, ensuring your customers leave happy and likely to return.

Install the Discount Rules for WooCommerce plugin today and start displaying clear discount percentages on your sale badges!

What is a WooCommerce Sale Badge?

A WooCommerce Sale Badge is a visual marker displayed on product images in a WooCommerce store to highlight items that are on sale. It usually appears as a small, attention-catching label, often in the corner of the product image, indicating that the item is being offered at a discounted price. This badge helps to attract customers’ attention to deals and promotions.

Here’s an example of a WooCommerce Sale Badge:

WooCommerce Sale Badge

A bright red badge in the top left corner of a product image with the text “20% OFF” clearly displayed, signaling a current sale on that item.

Why Displaying WooCommerce Discount Percentage on the Sale Badge is Beneficial

Displaying the discount percentage on the sale badge in WooCommerce can be highly beneficial for both customers and store owners. Here are several reasons why this practice is advantageous:

1. Increased Customer Attraction

  • Visual Impact: A percentage discount is visually striking and can quickly catch the customer’s eye, drawing attention to the discounted products.
  • Perceived Value: Seeing a high percentage discount can create a perception of greater value, making the deal seem more appealing and encouraging customers to take advantage of the offer.

2. Enhanced Decision-Making

  • Clarity: Displaying the discount percentage clearly reveals how much a customer is saving, making it easier for them to make purchasing decisions.
  • Comparison: Customers can quickly compare the discounts on different products, helping them choose the best deals and potentially increasing their overall satisfaction.

3. Boost in Sales

  • Urgency and Impulse Buying: A visible discount percentage can create a sense of urgency, prompting customers to buy now rather than wait. This can lead to increased impulse purchases.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Transparent discount information can reduce hesitation, leading to higher conversion rates as customers feel more confident about the value they are receiving.

4. Competitive Advantage

  • Differentiation: In a competitive market, clear discount information can set your store apart from others that do not provide such details, attracting more customers to your site.
  • Customer Loyalty: Providing clear and attractive discounts can enhance the shopping experience, foster customer loyalty, and encourage repeat purchases.

5. Marketing and Promotion

  • Effective Marketing Tool: Discount percentages can be used effectively in marketing campaigns, both on-site and through external channels like social media, emails, and advertisements, to attract traffic and increase sales.
  • Highlighting Promotions: Sale badges with discount percentages can be used to highlight special promotions, seasonal sales, or clearance items, making it easier for customers to find and take advantage of these deals.

6. Transparency and Trust

  • Building Trust: Transparency in pricing, including clear discount information, can build trust with customers, as they feel they are getting a fair deal and that the store is honest about its pricing strategies.
  • Positive Customer Experience: Clear communication about discounts contributes to a positive shopping experience, as customers appreciate knowing exactly how much they are saving.

Implementation Tips

  • Consistent Design: To maintain a cohesive user experience, ensure that the sale badge design is consistent with your store’s overall look and feel.
  • Visibility: Place the sale badge in a prominent position on the product image to ensure it is easily noticed.
  • Automation: Utilize WooCommerce plugins or custom code to automate the calculation and display of discount percentages, reducing manual effort and ensuring accuracy.

By displaying the discount percentage on sale badges, WooCommerce store owners can create a more attractive, transparent, and effective shopping experience, leading to increased customer engagement and sales.

Boost Your Sales with Clear Discounts! Implement Sale Badges with Percentage Display in WooCommerce.

How to Add a Sale Badge in WooCommerce: Step-by-Step Guide

Looking to improve your WooCommerce product display and attract more customers with enticing sale offers? Follow these simple steps to add a Sale Badge and prominently display the Discount Percentage on your products. This straightforward process can significantly enhance your sales performance.

How to Add a Sale Badge in WooCommerce:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Products -> All Products.
  3. Choose the product you wish to promote with a sale badge.
  4. In the general tab, enter the regular price and the discounted sale price.
  5. Save your changes.
adding sale badge in woocommerce

With these steps completed, your product will now feature a Sale Badge indicating the discount percentage. It’s that easy! Refer to the accompanying screenshot for a visual walkthrough.

displaying sale badge on product page

By incorporating sale badges and discount percentages into your WooCommerce product listings, you can capture customer attention, encourage purchases, and boost overall sales. Start optimizing your product displays today for increased conversions and revenue.

How to Display WooCommerce Discount Percentage on the Sale Badge?

To enhance your WooCommerce product pages and showcase the Discount Percentage on the Sale Badge, follow these steps using the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin:

  1. Install and activate the free version of the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
  2. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the products tab and locate the “On-Sale Badge” option.
  4. Choose “Show on products covered under any discount rule.”
  5. Enable the options “Customize the sale badge” and “Display the percentage in the sale badge.”
  6. Save Changes.

Refer to the screenshot below for visual guidance.

adding discount percentage on sale badge
showing discount percentage on product page

Now, the Sale Badge will not only indicate the discount but also display the Discount Percentage. For a more comprehensive set of features, consider upgrading to the PRO Version of the plugin. See the screenshot below for a clear view of these steps.

Optimizing your WooCommerce product pages with Sale Badges and Discount Percentages has never been easier. Enhance your customers’ shopping experience and drive more sales effortlessly.

Best practices for displaying the discount percentage on the WooCommerce sale badge

When displaying discount percentages on WooCommerce sale badges, you want to ensure clarity and effectiveness in communicating the value to your customers. Here are some best practices to consider:

  1. Visibility and Readability: The discount percentage should be clearly visible and easy to read even at a glance. Use a font size and style that contrasts well with the badge background.
  2. Positioning: The discount percentage should be prominently displayed on the badge, typically near the top or center. Avoid placing it in a location where it might be obscured by other elements.
  3. Color Contrast: Use colors that contrast well with the badge background to make the percentage stand out. For example, if the badge background is red, a white or yellow font for the percentage can be highly visible.
  4. Consistency: Maintain a consistent style for displaying discount percentages across your website. This will help establish familiarity and make it easier for customers to understand.
  5. Use Symbols: Consider using symbols like “%” or “Off” alongside the percentage to make it clear that it represents a discount.
  6. Avoid Clutter: Don’t overcrowd the badge with too much information. The discount percentage should be the focal point, so avoid adding unnecessary text or graphics that might distract from it.
  7. Mobile-Friendly: Ensure that the discount percentage is still clearly visible and legible on smaller screens such as mobile devices. Test how it appears on various screen sizes to ensure a good user experience.
  8. Test Different Designs: Conduct A/B testing with different badge designs to see which one resonates better with your audience in terms of visibility and understanding of the discount percentage.

By following these best practices, you can effectively display discount percentages on WooCommerce sale badges, making it easier for customers to recognize and take advantage of the deals you offer.

Don’t wait! Start boosting sales with clear discount badges on your WooCommerce store today.


Displaying the Discount percentage on the sale badge is a simple but powerful way to attract your customers and increase sales in our online store. With this strategy, you can give your customers a smooth and easy shopping experience. In addition, if you’re consistent in displaying the discount percentage, over time, your customers will build trust with your WooCommerce store. Get ready to boost sales with the WooCommerce Sale badge percentage.

To easily add the discount percentage on the sale badge, you can use the free version of the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin. The plugin helps you display discount percentages with a few easy steps. With this plugin, you can set a number of other discounts and promotional strategies, like displaying promotional messages on the checkout page, discounts on the product page and cart page, strikethrough prices, and more.

How to change the WooCommerce sale badge to display a percentage discount?

To display a percentage discount on the WooCommerce sale badge, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Settings
2. Scroll down to the products tab. There, you will find the option “On-Sale Bage.” Now choose the “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule” option.
3. Then, click and enable the options “Yes, I would like to customize the sale badge” and “I would like to display percentage in sale badge.”
4. Save the Changes.

How do I add a sale badge in WooCommerce?

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Products -> All Products
2. Select the product that you want to add a sale badge.
3. Go to the general tab and add regular price and sale price.
4. Now, the sale badge will be displayed on the product.

Where is the sales badge position in WooCommerce?

The position of the sale badge in WooCommerce depends on the theme you’re using. It can be anywhere around the product.

How do I change the sale badge in WooCommerce?

To change the sale badge in WooCommerce, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Settings
2. Scroll down to the products tab; there, you will find the option “On-Sale Badge.” Now, choose the “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule” option.
3. Click and enable the options “Yes, I would like to customize the sale badge” and “I would like to display percentage in sale badge.”
4. You can edit the sale badge content and discount percentage content on the specific tabs
5. Then, Save the changes.

How do I change the sale badge to a percentage in WooCommerce?

To change the sale badge to percentage in the WooCommerce sale badge, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Settings
2. Scroll down to the products tab. There, you will find the option “On-Sale Badge.” Now choose the “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule” option.
3. Then, click and enable the options “Yes, I would like to customize the sale badge” and “I would like to display percentage in sale badge.”
4. Save the Changes.

How do you set a discount percentage?

To set a discount percentage on the sale badge, you need to install and activate the free plugin “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Settings
2. Scroll down to the products tab; there, you will find the option “On-Sale Badge,” now, choose the “Show on products that are covered under any discount rule” option
3. Then, click and enable the options “Yes, I would like to customize the sale badge” and “I would like to display percentage in sale badge.”
4. Save the Changes.

Picture of Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana is an enthusiastic content writer who infuses creativity into every word she pens. For her, writing, dancing, and painting form a symphony of expression.
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