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5 Best WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugins to Boost Sales 

WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugins to Boost Sales

Many WooCommerce store owners are in search of the best WooCommerce cross-sell plugin to implement their cross-sell strategy. Why?

Cross-selling is one of the best marketing and sales strategies that can elevate your average order value (AOV).

A 2022 sales survey by HubSpot revealed that 74% of online store owners utilize cross-selling tactics to maximize their sales revenue by up to 30%.

So, if you’re a WooCommerce store owner looking for ways to implement Cross-sell strategies, this blog is what you need to level up your store revenue. Also, you can find the suitable cross-sell plugin for WooCommerce stores.

Suggest Related Products Easily Using Checkout Upsell Plugin and Increase Your Average Order Value.

What is Cross-selling?

Cross-selling is a sales & marketing technique that involves suggesting and selling additional or related products to a customer who is already interested in or has purchased your products.

For example, if a customer purchases a laptop from your store, the cross-selling technique might suggest related items like a laptop bag, wireless keyboard, or mouse. You can increase average order value (AOV) by presenting these additional products.

Cross-selling Example with Amazon Product Page

The main goal of cross-selling is to encourage customers to spend more money on your store.

Difference Between Cross-selling and Upselling

Though Cross-selling and Upselling seem the same, these are two different terms.

While Cross-selling suggests additional products to a customer, upselling is a technique to sell a higher (upgraded) product version to increase revenue.

For example, if a customer purchases a laptop with 4GB RAM, upselling might involve suggesting a laptop with 8GB RAM, which comes with a higher cost than the previous one. Thus, you can make more money.

Both Cross-selling and Upselling are secret sales weapons to your online store.

But for now, we will look into the Cross-selling approach and the best cross-sell WooCommerce plugin for your website.

However, if you also want to find the best upsell plugin for your WooCommerce store, check this detailed blog about 5 best WooCommerce upsell plugins.

Recommend Product Bundles Offer and Boost Your Sales Easily With WooCommerce Checkout Upsell.

What is WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugin? 

WooCommerce is a popular WordPress (WP) plugin that turns regular websites into eCommerce websites. The Cross-sell plugin for WooCommerce, in specific, is a software tool that helps to implement Cross sell strategies like product recommendations to an eCommerce store.

Thus, with WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugin, you can maximize your WooCommerce store sales by automating the related product suggestions to each customer.

How WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugin Helps to Increase Ecommerce Sales? 

Cross-selling is a magical ticket for more significant sales transactions. Here is how the cross-sell WooCommerce plugin increases your sales:

  • Boost Revenue with Less Effort 
    Without a doubt, the WooCommerce Cross-sell plugin will increase your revenue.
    By enhancing customers’ shopping journeys with related product suggestions, the plugin increases the value of each sales transaction. Thus, you can generate more money without additional marketing efforts.
  • Save Time by Automation 
    Instead of manually curating product suggestions for each customer, a cross-sell plugin in WooCommerce automates the process and saves time.
    Cross-sell plugin will analyze customer behavior and purchase history to curate relevant recommendations, saving you valuable time to focus on post-purchase processes like hassle-free delivery process and customer retention strategies.
  • Reduce Cart Abandonment 
    Most Customers abandon carts when they cannot find the product they want.
    With Cross-selling plugin, you can understand their needs and present product options that align with them. It reduces the cart abandonment rate.
    Bonus Tip: Check the proven ways to convert abandoned carts into successful transactions.
  • Personalized Product Recommendations  
    Since the cross-sell WooCommerce plugin analyzes customer shopping behavior, it personalizes the product recommendation. Customers will engage more with the relevant items and complete their purchases.
  •  Manage Inventory Efficiently 
    With the best WooCommerce cross-sell plugin, you can manage your inventory efficiently. It allows you to promote products that are overstocked or drive low sales.
    Add-on products get exposure and potentially boost your sales and revenue.  
  •  Implement A/B Testing
    One set of product combinations does not fit all customers’ needs. Thus, the cross-sell WooCommerce plugin helps you to create different product combinations.
    With A/B testing features, you can experiment with different product combo recommendations and refine your cross-selling tactics for maximum sales.

Criteria to Choose the Best WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugin 

From the vast Cross-sell plugins available for your WooCommerce store, choosing the best plugin will guarantee more sales and a low cart abandonment rate.

Here are the ten comprehensive checklists to discover the cross-sell WooCommerce plugin that is tailor-made for your online store:

  • Compatible with WooCommerce: Your chosen Cross-sell Plugin must seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce. It ensures the plugin functions smoothly within your existing eCommerce framework, enabling a hassle-free implementation.
  • Ease of Use: The plugin should simplify your process instead of providing headaches. If you’re a non-technical person, choose an effective cross-sell WooCommerce plugin that is easy to install and manage.
  • Compatible with Third-party Plugins: You may have other plugins for your WooCommerce store. The Cross-sell plugin you chose should support those third-party plugins without affecting the existing structure of your WooCommerce website.
  • Plugin Features: Each cross-sell plugin offers different features, and your plugin should align with your cross-selling goals. The primary features to consider in cross-sell plugins are automated and accurate product recommendations, customizable display options, and analytics algorithms to analyze customer behavior.

Learn More: With the step-by-step guide, you can display free products on your cross-sell block.

  • Performance and Loading Speed: Undoubtedly, loading speed is pivotal in retaining customers for a long time on a website. A fast-loading plugin is what you need to avoid performance-lacking issues.
  • Responsive Design: A 2019 Google/Ipsos report stated that 50% of smartphone users prefer to shop on mobile browsers rather than mobile apps. The cross-sell plugin must provide seamless shopping experiences across various devices and screen sizes: desktop, smartphone, or tablet.
  • Customization Options: Choose a cross-sell plugin that allows you to customize the appearance and feel of the product recommendations. Flexibility is crucial to a plugin as it matches your store or brand’s aesthetics to customers’ interests.
  • Analytics: Analyzing customer behavior is the first step to suggesting related products to customers. Look for a plugin that has analytical algorithms to understand customer needs. Also, it should enable you to track the performance of cross-selling recommendations with data-driven insights.
  • Customer Support: There are no error-free or doubt-free products in the world. Opt for a plugin provider that offers quick and reliable customer support to assist you in learning the plugin installation process or solving other questions.
  • Pricing: Not least, pricing is the core investment factor when choosing additional plugins for your store. Evaluate the pricing structure of all plugins and choose one that falls into your budget and cross-selling goals.

With these criteria, equip your WooCommerce store with the best cross-sell plugin.

5 Best WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugins

Let’s explore the top cross-sell plugins that seamlessly integrate with your WooCommerce store.

 Checkout Upsell and Order Bump for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Cross-sell Plugin by Flycart

Checkout Upsell and Order Bump for WooCommerce by Flycart is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your WooCommerce store’s sales by implementing upselling, cross-selling, and order bump techniques.

It aims to boost your store’s revenue by effectively guiding customers toward additional purchases.


  • Craft tailored offers based on customer behavior and preferences, ensuring maximum relevance and engagement.
  • Create offers that trigger based on specific conditions, optimizing the effectiveness of each proposal.
  • Seize the post-purchase moment to suggest additional items or upgrades, enhancing the customer’s shopping experience.
  • Set dynamic cart conditions to trigger targeted offers, ensuring they align with the customer’s shopping journey.
  • To entice customers further, implement various discount types, such as percentage-based or fixed-amount discounts.
  • Strategically position your cross-sell and upsell offers on the cart or checkout pages for maximum visibility.
  • Refine your strategies by conducting A/B tests on different offers to optimize conversions.
  • Utilize customizable, pre-designed templates to ensure a consistent and visually appealing presentation.
  • Plan and schedule your upsell campaigns or offers to coincide with specific events or promotional periods.


  • Free version available with limited features.
  • The premium version starts at $59/year for a single site.

 Who Can Use?

  • WooCommerce store owners of all sizes and types.
  • Store owners who are looking for a comprehensive solution to implement upsell, cross-sell, and order bump techniques.
  • Those who want to customize the design of offers to match their brand.

 One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce

One Click Upsell Plugin by WP Swings

One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce by WP Swings simplifies the upselling process by enabling one-click upsells after the initial purchase, guiding customers through a series of targeted offers.


  • Set dynamic shipping prices for Cash on Delivery (COD), wallet payments, and Stripe transactions.
  • Craft personalized templates to enhance your WooCommerce funnels’ visual appeal.
  • Create an array of post-purchase sales funnels without limitations, maximizing upselling opportunities.
  • Control customer behavior effectively by strategically employing additional offers within your upsell funnels.
  • Enhance your offers with intelligent upgrades, enticing customers towards premium alternatives.
  • Establish global upsell funnels that cater to diverse customer segments across your store.
  • Benefit from pre-built templates optimized for mobile responsiveness, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Exercise control over customer behavior through thoughtfully designed upsell funnels.
  • Pricing
  • Pricing starts at $69/year for a single site.

Who Can Use?

  • Store owners interested in creating dynamic upsell funnels. 

Custom Product Bundles for WooCommerce 

Custom Product Bundles Plugin by WisdmLabs

Custom Product Bundles for WooCommerce by WisdmLabs specializes in creating custom product bundles to encourage customers to purchase related items together.

It thereby enhances customers’ shopping experience.


  • Craft personalized product bundles effortlessly, offering customers tailor-made combinations.
  • Create modern and appealing layouts that showcase your product bundles attractively.
  • Choose specific product categories to include in your bundles, ensuring relevance and cohesiveness.
  • Set dynamic pricing for your product bundles, optimizing value and increasing customer appeal.
  • Increase purchases with pre-filled bundles and pre-made kits, simplifying the shopping experience.
  • Utilize the power of subscription boxes to generate recurring revenue, engaging customers in the long term.


  • Pricing starts at $80/year for a single site.

Who Can Use?

  • E-commerce stores that frequently sell products that are commonly purchased together.

WooCommerce Product Bundles

WooCommerce Product Bundles Plugin by AOV UP

WooCommerce Product Bundles by AOV UP simplifies the process of offering product bundles, encouraging customers to buy multiple products as a package deal.

It helps to drive higher-value transactions and promote the sale of complementary items.


  • Present bundles of products frequently bought together, providing customers with optimized choices.
    Tip: Here is the list of 5 best WooCommerce Frequently Bought Together Plugins.
  • Set specific purchase rules for your bundles, ensuring a tailored shopping experience.
  • Seamlessly add products to your bundles, streamlining the bundle creation process.
  • Enjoy automated inventory synchronization, keeping your stock levels up to date quickly.
  • Accommodate product variants in your bundles, offering flexibility and variety to customers.
  • Implement deals and quantity breaks within your bundles, enticing customers to purchase more.


  • Pricing starts at $8.25/month (billed annually) for a single site.

Who Can Use?

  • E-commerce stores with diverse product catalogs looking to promote bundled sales.

Upsell for WooCommerce

Upsell Plugin for WooCommerce by Identixweb

Upsell for WooCommerce by Identixweb focuses on strategic upselling by suggesting relevant and higher-priced products to customers.

Presenting appealing alternatives to your customers encourages them to consider premium products, ultimately driving higher-value purchases.


  • Present customers with enticing offers for complementary or premium products, driving higher-value purchases.
  • Enhance convenience by placing multiple checkout buttons strategically, guiding customers toward their preferred purchase path.
  • Gain valuable insights into upsell performance through detailed analytics, helping you optimize your strategies.
  • Tailor upsell pop-ups to match your brand with easy-to-use customization options, ensuring seamless visual integration.
  • Preview upsell pop-ups in real-time before deployment, ensuring a polished presentation and optimal user experience.
  • Implement a persistent cart bubble showcasing upsell offers as customers navigate your store.


  • Currently, it is free.

Who Can Use?

  • WooCommerce store owners who want to increase revenue by persuading customers to consider premium alternatives.

Best Practices to Follow While Cross-selling 

Here are the best practices to follow while implementing cross-selling strategies:

  • Analyze Customer Behavior: The more you know about your customers, the more relevant your recommendations can be. Study your customers’ preferences, purchase history, and browsing patterns to identify opportunities for effective cross-selling.
  • Complementary Products Only: Cross-selling works best when the suggested items enhance the value or experience of the original product. Offer products that genuinely complement the customer’s primary purchase.
  • Timing is Key: Ensure that cross-selling suggestions are presented appropriately during the customer’s journey. It could be during the product search, cart addition, or checkout stages. The offer should feel natural.
  • Limit the Suggestions: Don’t overwhelm customers with too many choices. Limit the number of cross-selling suggestions to a manageable amount to avoid decision fatigue.
  • Highlight Value: Communicate the value of the recommended products. Explain how they enhance the customer’s experience, address a need, or solve a problem.
  • Transparency: Indicate that the suggested products are related cross-selling items. Transparency builds trust and avoids any potential confusion.
  • Offer Discounts and Bundles: Consider offering discounts or bundle deals for cross-sold items. A good deal influences customers to add more products to the cart and increases the perceived value.

Do you want to create dynamic discounts for your products? Try the Discount Rules for WooCommerce plugin, which allows you to offer different discounts to your online store.

Also, check these WooCommerce discount plugin blogs to learn about different discount types and guides to apply them to your sales goals.

Track Performance

Regularly track the performance of your cross-selling efforts. Measure metrics like conversion rates, average order value, and revenue generated through cross-selling.

Customer Feedback

Pay attention to customer feedback.  Adjusting your approach is essential if customers consistently find the suggested items need to be more relevant.

Continuous Learning

Stay updated with industry trends and customer behavior.

Cross-selling strategies that work today might need adjustments in the future as market dynamics change.

Tips on Creating Cross-selling Product Combinations

Some valuable tips for creating effective cross-selling product combinations:

Focus on Value

Emphasize the value customers gain from purchasing the main product and the suggested items. Communicate how the combination enhances their experience or solves a problem.

Educational Pairings 

Pair products that enhance customers’ understanding or use of the main product. For example, suggest photography guides or accessories if someone buys a camera.

Bundle Deals and Discounts 

Consider offering bundle deals or discounts for cross-selling combinations. It incentivizes customers to make additional purchases and increases the perceived value.

Keep it Simple 

Avoid overwhelming customers with too many cross-selling options. Keep the combinations simple and focused.

Showcase Customer Favorites 

Highlight cross-selling combinations that are customer favorites or top sellers. It builds trust and encourages customers to explore complementary items.

Seasonal and Trend-Based Combinations 

Create cross-selling combinations that align with seasonal trends or current market demands. It keeps your offerings relevant and appealing.

Gifting Themes 

Tailor cross-selling combinations to match seasonal events, holidays, or special occasions. Offer combinations that make perfect gifts or address specific seasonal needs.

Solve Pain Points 

Identify pain points or challenges that customers might face with the main product. Offer cross-selling combinations that provide solutions or enhancements.

Create Personalized Cross-sell Offers and Increase Your Revenue Effortlessly Using Checkout Upsell Plugin.

Wrapping Up

With many options available, selecting the best plugin depends on your platform, business goals, and customer preferences. Choose the best woocommerce cross-sell plugin for your online store to boost sales and revenue.

With the right plugin and cross-selling tactics, you can improve customer satisfaction, resulting in longer Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Also Read:

  1. Adding Upsell Products to WooCommerce store
  2. How to Create One-click Upsell on WooCommerce?
What is the best way to cross-sell my products? 

The best way to cross-sell products is by suggesting related or complementary items during the customer’s shopping journey, either through bundles, recommendations, or personalized offers.

How much can cross-selling increase sales? 

The increase in sales through cross-selling varies widely depending on factors like product compatibility, customer behavior, and marketing strategies. 
Still, it can contribute a significant percentage of additional revenue, ranging from 10% to 30% in many cases.

Is there any way to automate Cross-Sells on WooCommerce? 

You can automate WooCommerce Cross-sells using plugins like “Checkout Upsell and Order Bump for WooCommerce.” It uses algorithms to suggest related products to customers during the shopping process.

Can I display cross-sell recommendations on specific product pages or during the checkout process?

You can display recommendations of WooCommerce cross-sells on product pages or also during the checkout process. It is all about strategically guiding customers towards related products and enhancing sales potential.

Can I customize the cross-selling recommendations based on my specific product categories?

You can customize the recommendations of WooCommerce Cross-sells on product categories, tailoring the suggestions to match customer preferences and optimize the effectiveness of your strategy.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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