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How To Create A Coupon In WooCommerce? (2 Methods)

WooCommerce Coupon

Are you struggling to convert website visitors into paying customers? Coupons are a powerful tool in your WooCommerce store, attracting new customers and incentivizing existing ones to buy more.

When hesitant buyers browse your products, a well-timed coupon can turn them into happy customers who return for more. Discounts and special offers can boost sales and increase the average order value.

However, the built-in WooCommerce features may lack flexibility. For example, you can’t target specific customer groups like first-time buyers or create complex discount structures.

This is where the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro” plugin comes in. It unlocks coupons’ full potential, allowing you to target the right audience and craft irresistible offers.

In this blog post, we will dive into two ways to create coupon codes in your WooCommerce store. We’ll explore the built-in WooCommerce feature and the advanced options the Discount Rules plugin provides. By the end, you’ll have all the tools you need to maximize your coupon strategy and drive more sales.

Convert 50% of window shoppers into loyal customers by offering personalized and smart coupons using the Discount Rules Pro.

How to Create a Coupon in WooCommerce?

Creating a coupon in WooCommerce is a straightforward process that can help you drive sales, attract new customers, and reward loyal ones. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a coupon in WooCommerce.

Method 1: Using Built-in WooCommerce Features

Imagine you’re running a summer clothing & accessories store and want to offer a 10% discount on sunglasses to increase its sales. Here’s how to set up the coupon:

Adding a New Coupon:

1. Navigate to Marketing -> Coupons and click Add Coupon.

2. Coupon Details:

  • Coupon code: This is the code customers enter at checkout (e.g., DISCOUNT10). Make it memorable and relevant to your promotion.
  • Description (optional): Description of the coupon campaign (not visible to customers).

3. Coupon Data: This section defines how your coupon works:

  • General:
    • Discount type: Choose “percentage discount” (e.g., 10% off).
    • Coupon amount: Enter 10.
    • Allow free shipping (optional): Consider offering free shipping to incentivize larger purchases.
    • Coupon expiry date: Set an end date for the promotion (e.g., end of July).
Creating default Woo coupons - setting general section
  • Usage Restrictions (optional): Refine who can use the coupon:
    • Minimum/maximum order amount: Set limits based on the cart total.
    • Product categories: Include only the “Sunglasses” category.
    • Allowed emails: Optionally, Limit the coupon to specific email addresses (e.g., [email protected]).
Setting usage restrictions section in default Woo coupons
  • Usage Limits: Control how often the coupon can be used:
    • Per Coupon: Set a maximum number of times the coupon can be redeemed overall.
    • Limit Usage to X Items: (Optional) Restrict how many times the discount applies to individual items.
    • Per Customer: Limit how many times a single customer can use the code.

With this coupon setup, customers entering “DISCOUNT10” at checkout will receive 10% off sunglasses purchased during the promotion period.

Setting usage limits for the default woo coupons

We’ve explored creating a compelling WooCommerce coupon using the built-in features. But what if you want to target a specific group, like first-time customers?

First-order coupons are a highly effective tactic for many online businesses, from Zomato and Swiggy to Nykaa, Myntra, and Sugar. Why? They incentivize new customers to make their first purchase.

However, WooCommerce’s default coupons can’t directly target new users by email. To achieve this, we’ll need the help of a handy coupon plugin.

Create coupons based on subtotal using the Discount Rules plugin to increase average Order Value.

Method 2: Using Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro Plugin

For more advanced coupon features, such as targeting specific customer groups or creating complex discount structures, you can use a plugin like Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro. Here’s a brief overview of how to use this plugin

You can check this installation guide to install and activate this plugin on your WordPress dashboard.

To create a coupon in WooCommerce using this plugin:

  • Go to “WooCommerce” -> “Discount Rules.”
  • Add a new rule.
  • Choose the “Discount type” you want to offer. For example, select “Product Adjustment” if you want to provide discounts on products.
  • You can filter specific products, categories, or even individual items. Choose “All Products” for a store-wide sale.
  • Pick a percentage (like 10% off), a fixed amount (like $5 off), or a discount per item. We’ll go with a simple 10% discount.
Creating a Woo Coupon using the Discount Rules plugin
  • In the “Rules” section
    • Choose the first condition as “Coupon” and create a coupon code.
    • Choose the second condition as “First Order” and select “Yes.”
  • Save and enable the rule.
Setting Coupon Conditions using the plugin

Now, the coupon will work only for first-time orders.

Applying the coupon discount to first-time customers

Note: Using this plugin, you can also tie your coupon with other purchase conditions, such as:

  • Enabling coupon based on “Subtotal.”
  • Applying coupons based on “Purchase History,” for example, discount for 5th time order.
  • Applying coupons only to specific “users” by selecting their names or email addresses.
  • Applying coupons only to specific user groups such as subscribers, wholesale dealers, loyal customers, or VIP (membership) customers.
  • Enabling coupons only to specific shipping locations or payment methods.
  • Enabling coupons based on cart items, item quantities, and more.

Offer coupon discounts only to first-time customers using Discount Rules and turn them into your loyal customers.

Want to know more about WooCommerce coupons?

I’ve already shared a detailed guide where you will find answers to:

  • Reasons for implementing coupons.
  • Different WooCommerce coupon types.
  • Multiple ways to offer coupons using both default settings and a plugin.
  • Steps to automatically apply coupons.
  • Steps to creating multiple coupons for a single campaign and a single coupon for different campaigns.
  • Best practices and strategies to create effective coupon campaigns.
  • Real-life examples of coupons and more.

Check the complete guide here: WooCommerce Coupons


Creating coupons in WooCommerce is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your bottom sales line. By leveraging the built-in features, you can quickly set up discounts to:

  • Increase sales and revenue
  • Enhance customer experience and loyalty
  • Encourage repeat purchases

While this guide focused on the core functionalities, remember there are powerful plugins available, like “Discount Rules,” that unlock even more customization options.

Ready to take your sales to the next level? Start creating coupons in WooCommerce today!

Related (Must) Reads:

  1. How to Offer Free Shipping in WooCommerce?
  2. How to Create Bulk Discounts in WooCommerce?
  3. How to Create a Buy One Get One Free Offer in WooCommerce?
What types of coupon discounts can I offer?

WooCommerce provides three main coupon discount options:
(1) Percentage discount: This reduces the overall cart total by a chosen percentage (e.g., 10% off).
(2) Fixed cart discount: A flat discount is applied to the entire cart (e.g., $10 off).
(3) Fixed product discount: This applies a set discount amount to each individual item (e.g., $5 off each t-shirt).

How can I create a coupon for new customers only?

Unfortunately, WooCommerce’s default functionality doesn’t allow targeting by new customers. However, you can achieve this using a coupon plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro,” designed for more advanced features.

Can I exclude specific products or categories from a coupon discount?

Yes! While you can target specific products or categories for discounts, WooCommerce also allows you to exclude them. This is useful if you have sale items or clearance products you don’t want to discount further.

Can I track how many times a coupon has been used?

WooCommerce doesn’t provide a built-in report for this. However, the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce -Pro” plugin offers detailed usage statistics, allowing you to track how many times a coupon has been redeemed and by whom.

How can I display the coupon code on my website?

There are several ways to showcase your coupon code. You can manually add it to product pages, banners, or announcement sections. Additionally, you can share it on your social media to increase its impact.

What happens if a customer forgets the coupon code at checkout?

WooCommerce doesn’t automatically apply forgotten coupons. Customers need to have the code readily available to enter it during checkout and redeem the discount.

You can also use the “Discount Rules” plugin to create an Auto-apply coupon URL and automatically navigate your customers to the discounted product pages.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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