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How to Auto-Apply Coupons in WooCommerce? (2024 Guide)

how to automatically apply coupon in woocommerce

Have you ever lost a sale because a customer forgot to enter a coupon code at checkout? 

It’s a common frustration for both store owners and shoppers. Customers miss out on savings, and you miss out on potential sales.

In today’s competitive online market, a smooth shopping experience is crucial. Auto-applying coupons can be a game-changer, ensuring your customers receive their discounts automatically. No more hunting for codes, entering them incorrectly, or missing out on deals entirely.

This guide will walk you through the simple process of setting up auto-apply coupons in your WooCommerce store. We’ll also explore some best practices to get the most out of this powerful feature.

By the end of this post, you’ll be able to offer a seamless shopping experience that keeps customers happy and coming back for more!

Convert 38% of shoppers into regular customers by auto-applying WooCommerce coupons using the Discount Rules Pro plugin.

What is WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupon?

WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupon is a powerful feature designed to enhance the shopping experience by automatically applying discount codes at checkout. 

This innovative feature removes the need for customers to remember and enter coupon codes manually, ensuring they effortlessly enjoy the benefits of discounts and special offers. 

WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupons work by pre-assigning specific discount codes to products or categories. When a customer adds the eligible items to their cart, the system automatically applies the corresponding discount, streamlining the purchasing process and making savings more accessible.

Whether it’s offering percentage-based discounts, free shipping, or special deals, WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupon ensures that eligible customers receive these benefits seamlessly.

Advantages of Using Auto-Apply WooCommerce Coupon

Using auto-apply coupons in WooCommerce can be a great way for store owners to increase sales as it offers more benefits like:

  • Provides Smooth Experience: Auto-apply coupon simplifies checkout without making customers enter the code. It saves customers’ time and provides a smooth checkout experience. 
  • Improves Conversion Rates: Since customers do not need to enter coupons, they can easily utilize the discounts and buy more. It boosts conversion rates.
  • Enhance Customer Satisfaction: Automatic coupons reduce customers’ efforts and the time spent getting discounts, which improves customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Boost Sales and Promotions: Auto-redeem coupons can be used to launch new products and boost sales of specific products or categories. With the discounts already applied, customers can easily take advantage of the offer.
  • Reduce Cart Abandonment: Auto-apply coupons can be used as an immediate incentive to make customers complete their purchases. It will reduce the cart abandonment rate.

When to Auto-Apply Coupons in WooCommerce?

Auto-apply coupons in WooCommerce can enhance customer experience in various circumstances. Here are some events to apply coupons automatically:

  • First-time customers: Offering automatic coupons to first-time customers can encourage them to make their first purchase and potentially become repeat customers.
  • Cart total thresholds: Applying coupons automatically when the cart total reaches a certain threshold can influence customers to add more items to their cart to qualify for the discount.
  • Product-specific promotions: Automatically applying coupons to specific products or categories can help promote those items and drive sales.
  • Seasonal promotions: Offering automatic coupons during holidays, special events, or seasonal sales can attract customers and boost sales during those periods.
  • Customer loyalty rewards: Rewarding loyal customers with automatic coupons based on their purchase history or accumulated points can foster customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • User roles or memberships: Providing automatic coupons to specific user roles or loyalty program members can make them feel valued and incentivize continued engagement with the store.

Add an auto-apply coupon for specific customers using the Discount Rules Pro plugin and enhance customer experience.

How to Add a WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupon?

A discount plugin, Discount Rules for WooCommerce—Pro, can help implement WooCommerce auto-apply coupons.

This plugin can help you create various advanced discounts and coupons for your WooCommerce store.

Check this installation guide to install and activate this plugin on your WordPress-WooCommerce dashboard.

When customers use a coupon URL to access your store, coupons are automatically applied to their order.

Two Ways to Create WooCommerce Coupons

You can create WooCommerce coupons in two ways:

  • Use Default Feature: 
    On the WooCommerce dashboard, go to “Marketing” and select “Coupon.” Create your coupon code and discount value. 
    Since it does not have an auto-apply feature, you can further integrate it with a plugin to create an auto-apply coupon URL.
  • On “Discount Rules” plugin: 
    You can create coupon codes and the coupon URL from the plugin.

Either way, you can create a URL for your coupon code. Here are different scenarios to add auto-apply coupons to your WooCommerce store:

Auto-Apply Coupon on Product Pages

Example: Let’s apply a 10% discount on all products in the store with an automatic coupon.

To automatically apply coupons on specific or all products:

  • Go to WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules.
  • Click the “Add New Rule” button.
  • Enter the campaign name.
  • Select “Discount Type” as “Product Adjustment.”
  • In the “Filter” section, choose specific or all products you want to apply for a discount.
  • In the “Discount” section, set “Discount Type” as “Percentage Discount” with the value “10.”
Adding An Auto-Apply Coupon to Product Pages
  • In the “Rules” section, select “Condition Type” as “Coupons” and select any of the following “coupon” options:
    • Create Your Own Coupon – select this to set your own WooCommerce coupon code.
    • Apply if any one coupon is applied (from WooCommerce) – select this option to allow customers to enter any one of the coupons that you set in the default WooCommerce coupon feature. Then, select the coupon that customers want to enter.
    • Apply if all coupons are applied – select this option to allow customers to enter all coupon codes to get discounts.
    • It is necessary to “Enable” the “URL Coupons” to auto-apply this coupon to your store. Copy the URL.
Enabling Coupon URL for Product Pages
  • Save and enable the rule.

Now, a 10% discount is applied to all products in the store only when the customer visits your store through the coupon URL.

Coupon Automatically Applied to Product Pages

Auto-Apply Coupon on Cart Pages

Example: Let’s apply a $5 fixed discount for a specific product on cart pages with an automatic coupon.

To automatically apply coupons on the cart:

  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Cart Adjustment.”
  • Filter specific products to apply discounts. For example, here, I select “Beanie.”
  • Set “Discount Type” as “Fixed Discount” with Value as “5.”
  • In “Rules,” add “Condition” as “Coupon” and select your coupon option to create a coupon code. Copy the Coupon URL.
  • Save and enable the rule.
Adding A Auto-Apply Coupon to Cart Pages

When customers use a coupon URL and add a specific product to the order, a fixed cart discount is automatically applied. The automated coupon is only applied if the specific product is added.

Coupon Automatically Applied to the Cart Page

Free Shipping With Auto-Apply Coupon

Example: Let’s provide free shipping to a particular shipping address with an auto-apply coupon.

To provide free shipping with WooCommerce auto-apply coupon:

  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Free Shipping.”
  • Select “Condition Type” as “Coupon,” set the coupon code, and copy the Coupon URL.
  • Now, add another condition as “Country,” and select a specific shipping address to provide free shipping.
  • Save and enable the rule.
Free Shipping With Auto-Apply Coupon

When customers from the specific shipping address use your coupon URL to shop for products, they can get free shipping.

Free Shipping Applied Automatically Using Coupon

Auto-Apply Coupon Based on Cart Total

Example: Let’s apply a $25 fixed discount based on the cart total with an automatic coupon.

To auto-apply WooCommerce coupon based on cart total:

  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Cart Adjustment.”
  • Filter all or specific products to apply discounts. Here, I keep “All Products.”
  • Set “Discount Type” as “Fixed Discount” with a value of “25.”
  • Add a “Condition Type” as “Coupon” and set your coupon code. Copy the Coupon URL.
  • Add the next condition as “Subtotal” and set the minimum total amount that the customer reaches to qualify for a discount. To say, “>= 200.”
  • Save and enable the rule.
Adding Auto-Apply Coupon Based on Cart Total

When a customer uses this coupon URL and purchases products above $200, he can get a $25 fixed discount applied automatically to his cart.

Coupon Applied Automatically Based on Total Cart Value

Similarly, you can use the “Product Adjustment” discount type to apply automatic discount coupons to all products based on the cart total.

These are a few common auto-apply coupon scenarios. This plugin’s advanced conditions and coupon URL feature allow you to create various campaigns to elevate your customers’ shopping experience.

How to Promote WooCommerce Auto-Apply Coupon URL?

Promoting a WooCommerce auto-apply coupon URL involves sharing the URL on different platforms to create awareness about your offer and boost sales. You can strategically promote coupon URLs in:

  • Website Banners: You can promote your coupon URL using a website’s top and side banners. These banners easily grab customers’ attention and encourage them to buy.
  • Exclusive PopUps: Popups are another attention grabber where you can highlight your coupon URL.
  • Social Media: In addition to your website, you can share your coupon URL on different social media platforms to reach your target customers.
  • Email Marketing: Email is an effective source to increase sales performance with coupons. When sending newsletters, you can promote your coupon URL and motivate them to click the URL to visit your store to get automatic discounts.
  • Influencer Collaboration: Collaborate with your niche influencer to create content based on your campaign goal and provide coupon URLs to their followers. This is one of the best ways to increase your campaign’s visibility.

Best Practices for Auto-Apply Coupons in WooCommerce

Applying automatic coupons requires attention to detail to ensure a good experience for your customers. Follow these best practices while creating an auto-apply coupon URL:

  • Clear Communication: Inform customers that the coupon will be automatically applied via the provided URL to streamline the checkout process and prevent confusion.
  • Prominent Placement: Feature the automated coupon URL prominently across your site for customers to access and use easily.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test automatic coupon on different devices and browsers to ensure it works reliably. 
  • Limitations and Restrictions: Clearly outline the limitations and restrictions of the auto-apply coupon, including expiration dates, minimum purchase requirements, and product exclusions. 
  • Monitor Performance: Monitor coupon performance with WooCommerce analytics. Analyze usage, conversion rates, and revenue for effectiveness.
  • Segmentation: Segment your audience and offer tailored auto-apply coupons based on purchasing behavior, demographics, or relevant factors. 
  • Customer Support: Offer clear instructions and accessible customer support for any auto-apply coupon issues or inquiries. Address concerns promptly to enhance the shopping experience.

Create an auto-apply coupon based on the cart total using the Discount Rules plugin to increase sales.


Enhancing customer experience is one of the most essential factors in retaining customers, as it is five times more affordable than acquiring new ones.

So, auto-apply coupons can elevate customers’ experience and bring them back to your store. You can try this strategy to ease your customers’ checkout process.

With the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro” plugin, create customized coupon URLs and encourage customers to buy through the URL to get automatic discount coupons.

Also Read:

Can you schedule a coupon in WooCommerce?

Yes, you can schedule coupons in WooCommerce with a coupon plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro.”

How do I know if a coupon is applied in WooCommerce?

To check if a coupon is applied in WooCommerce:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Orders.
2. Click on the order you want to check the coupon status.
3. Scroll down to the “Order Totals” section. If a coupon was applied to the order, you will see a line item labeled “Coupon” with the amount of the discount applied.

How do I apply a discount to all products in WooCommerce?

To apply a discount to all products in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Woocommerce  -> Woo Discount Rules.
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Give a rule name and choose the discount type based on your requirements.
4. In the filter section, choose “All Products.”
5. In the discount section, choose the percentage and fixed or fixed discount per product.
6. Finally, save and enable the rule.

Why is coupon not showing up in WooCommerce?

1. To show up a coupon in WooCommerce, go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings
2. In the “General” section, scroll down to enable coupons.
3. Finally, Save changes.

Which is better to apply – Automatic Discount Coupon vs Coupon Code?

Automatic discount coupons are better for a seamless user experience, while coupon codes offer more flexibility for targeted promotions and tracking. 
Choose based on your specific sales goals and customer preferences.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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