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How to Create WooCommerce Category Discounts – Updated Scenarios

how to create woocommerce category discounts updated scenarios

Are you struggling to attract customers to specific categories on your WooCommerce store? Look no further than WooCommerce category discounts! With this feature, you can offer special discounts on products within a specific category, boosting sales and driving customer engagement. 

For example, let’s say you sell clothing on your online store. You can create a category discount for all products in the “T-Shirts” category, offering a 10% discount to customers who purchase two or more items from that category. This can encourage customers to buy more T-Shirts from your store, increasing your sales and customer loyalty.

While offering category discounts is a great way to increase sales, it’s important to note that WooCommerce does not have a built-in option for category discounts. Fortunately, you can use a plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” to easily set up this discount.

In this blog post, we’ll focus on using the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin to create category discounts, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to get you started. So let’s quickly learn how to set up category discounts in WooCommerce!

Offer WooCommerce category discounts using Discount Rules and increase conversions easily

What is a WooCommerce Category Discount?

WooCommerce category discount allows you to offer discounts only to a specific categories or specific categories.

With category discounts, store owners can offer a percentage or fixed amount discounts on all products within a particular category, making it an attractive option for customers who are looking to buy multiple items in that category.

For example, a store owner may offer a 10% discount on all products in the “Shoes” category to incentivize customers to purchase more shoes.

This type of targeted discount on specific categories helps store owners to promote it and get more sales.

More examples:

  1. Buy 10 items from “Apparel” and get a 5% discount.
  2. Shop owners get a fixed discount of $50 on “Electronics
  3. Purchase from “Apparel” and “Accessories” together for a 20% discount. 

Benefits of WooCommerce Category Discounts

The benefits of offering WooCommerce Category Discounts include attracting new customers, clearing stock, increasing sales and more. Let’s check all the benefits one by one.

Attract new customers: Category discounts can be used to attract new customers to your online store. By offering discounts on specific product categories, you can encourage customers to try new products and increase sales.

Increase sales: Category discounts can also increase sales by incentivizing customers to purchase more products. For example, if you offer a discount on a certain category of products, customers may be more likely to purchase additional items in that category.

Clear out inventory: Category discounts can be used to clear out inventory of slow-moving or overstocked items. By offering discounts on specific categories of products, you can encourage customers to purchase those items and free up space for new products.

Increase customer loyalty: Offering category discounts to your loyal customers can help to increase customer loyalty. By offering discounts on their favorite categories of products, you can show your appreciation for their business and encourage repeat purchases.

Flexible pricing strategy: Category discounts allow you to create a flexible pricing strategy for your products. By offering different discounts for different categories of products, you can adjust your pricing to match demand and maximize profits.

WooCommerce category discounts can be a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses to increase sales, attract new customers, and improve customer loyalty. 

Offer WooCommerce category discounts and clear stock soon using Discount Rules for WooCommerce

How to create WooCommerce Category discounts?

Creating WooCommerce category discounts will require a plugin like the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.” Once installed and activated, you can create a rule and choose the categories that you would like to discount on a few simple steps. The following sections walk you through the steps to create category based discounts in WooCommerce. 

This blog assumes that you already installed and activated the PRO version of  “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.If you haven’t installed it yet, Please install and activate the plugin. Check out this guide for more information on the installation process.

Now let’s create a simple category discount. 

For example: Get a 15% discount on “Apparel” category 

Let’s learn to create this discount scenario.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce-> Woo Discount Rules
  2. Click the Add New Rule button
  3. After giving a rule name, select “Product Adjustment” as the discount type.
  4. In the filter section, you may have to choose “Category”, select “In list” and choose “Apparel” category 
  5. Select “Percentage discount” as the discount type and set the value as “15”
  6. Save and enable the rule.

The following screenshot gives you an example of this discount. 

simple category discount

Now we have created a simple product category discount in WooCommerce. Likewise, we can also create discounts based on different scenarios. In the next section, we will help you to create some of the popular scenarios for your WooCommerce store. 

Popular scenarios to offer category discounts in WooCommerce are : 

  • User-role based category discounts
  • Bulk discounts for specific categories
  • BOGO deals for specific categories
  • Category combination discounts
  • Percentage discount or fixed discount for category
  • Category discount based on subtotal value.

Let’s learn to create some of these scenarios using “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.

User- role based category discounts

User-role based category discounts in WooCommerce allow online store owners to offer discounts to specific groups of customers based on their user role and the category of product they’re interested in. This is a personalized discount that makes specific users valued and appreciated. Hence, you can earn customer loyalty with this discount. 

For Example: Wholesale customers get $50 discount on Electronics for shopping above $300. 

Let’s learn to create this discount scenario.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
  2. Click the Add New Rule button
  3. After giving a rule name, select “Product Adjustment” as the discount type.
  4. In the filter section, choose “Category,” select “In list” and choose “Electronics”
  5. Select “Fixed discount” as the discount type and set the value as “50” as shown in the screenshot below.
user-role based category discount

If you look at the above screenshot, you can see we have set two conditions in the rules section to create this type of discount.

6. In the Rules section, we need to set two conditions. 

  • Condition 1:
    1. Click Add condition.
    2. Choose “User role” as the condition type, select “In list” and choose “Wholesale customer”
  • Condition 2:
    1.  Click Add condition. 
    2.  Choose “Subtotal” as the condition type, choose “greater than or equal (>=), set the subtotal amount as “500” and select “Count all items in the cart”

7. Finally, Save and Enable the rule. 

Now we have created a WooCommerce discount per category for specific user-role. For this example, we have offered discounts for wholesale customers, you can also offer discounts for other user roles like retail customers, shop owners, or subscribers, based on your requirement. 

BOGO deals for specific category

BOGO (Buy 1 get 1) deals are popular discounts that online store offer. Offering BOGO in a specific category can help you promote a new category or clear stock in the existing category products. Here we will be using Buy 2 Get 1 Free offer as the BOGO deal. 

For Example: Buy 2 items from “Kids apparel” and get 1 cap for free.

Let’s learn to create this discount scenario. 

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
  2. Click the Add New Rule button
  3. After giving a rule name, select “Buy X Get Y” as the discount type.
  4. In the filter section, choose “Category,” select “In list” and choose “Kids Apparel”
  5. In the discount section, select “Buy X get Y products” as the discount type, choose “cap” as the free product, and set the value as shown in the screenshot below.
BOGO category discount

6. Click the recursive option to offer a free cap for every two products that customers purchase. 

7. Save and Enable the rule. 

Now we have created a Buy 2 Get 1 free offer for a specific category. 

WooCommerce bulk discount category

Bulk discount for specific category allows you to offer category discounts on large purchases. This approach can help online stores to focus on products that are more profitable to sell in larger quantities while still providing customers with a good reason to purchase more.

For example:

  • Buy 50 items in Accessories and get a $10 discount
  • Buy 100 items in Accessories and get a $20 discount

Let’s learn to create this discount scenario. 

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
  2. Click the Add New Rule button
  3. After giving a rule name, select “Bulk discount” as the discount type.
  4. In the filter section, choose “Category”, select “In list” and select “Accessories”
  5. In the discount section, select “fixed discount” as the discount type, and set the value as shown in the screenshot below.
bulk category discount

6. Save and Enable the rule. 

Now we have created a bulk discount in WooCommerce for a specific category. 

Discounts for Category Combination

Discounts for category combination helps you to offer discounts only for a specific category combination. These category specific deals encourages customers to purchase products from different categories in a single purchase. This type of discount is helpful for both customers and online store owners.

For example:  Purchase from “Apparel” and “Accessories” together to get a 20% discount. 

Let’s learn the steps to create this discount.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
  2. Click the Add New Rule button
  3. After giving a rule name, select “Product Adjustment” as the discount type.
  4. In the filter section, choose “Category”, select “In list” and select “Apparel” and “Accessories.”
  5. In the discount section, select “percentage discount” as the discount type, and set the value as “20.”
  6. In the Rules section, Click Add condition button.
  7. Now choose the condition type as “Category combination” and configure the rule as shown in the screenshot below. 
discount for category combination

8. Finally, Save and Enable the rule. 

Now we have created a WooCommerce category discounts for a category combination.

Best practices to offer category discounts in WooCommerce

Offering category discounts is a great way to boost sales and attract customers to your WooCommerce store. We have listed some of the best practices to follow when offering category discounts.

Set clear and specific discount rules: Make sure your discount rules are clear and specific. This helps customers understand exactly what they’re getting and how much they’ll save.

Use percentage discounts: Percentage discounts are easier for customers to understand than fixed amount discounts. For example, a 20% discount on a $50 product is easier to calculate than a $10 discount.

Choose the right categories: Choose categories that are popular or have a high profit margin. This will help ensure that your discounts are effective and profitable.

Limit the discount period: Limiting the discount period can create a sense of urgency, which encourage customers to make a purchase. Consider setting a time limit, such as a weekend or a holiday period.

Promote your discounts: Promote your discounts through email marketing, social media, and your website. This will help increase visibility and attract customers to your store.

Use tiered discounts: Tiered discounts can encourage customers to buy more products. For example, a customer might get a 10% discount on one product, a 15% discount on two products, and a 20% discount on three products.

Monitor the results: Monitor the results of your category discounts to see how effective they are. This practice helps you to adjust your strategy and make changes if necessary.

By following these best practices, you can offer effective category discounts that attract customers and boost sales in your WooCommerce store.

Offer WooCommerce category discounts and increase revenue easily


Overall, If you’re looking to boost your sales and promote particular products, implementing category discounts in WooCommerce could be the most effective strategy for you. Whether you’re launching a new product, clearing out stock, or offering exclusive discounts on specific items, this discount could be the game-changer you need. So, if you’re searching for a smart and convincing way to increase sales, category discounts should be at the top of your list!

Though there are a number of plugins available to create this type of discount, we recommend you use “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.” It has a number of flexible options to easily create WooCommerce category discounts. This plugin also lets you offer other types of discounts like first-order discounts, bulk discounts, user role discounts, and more. 

Ready to boost your sales and attract more customers? Try implementing category discounts in your WooCommerce store today and see the results for yourself!

What are the best WooCommerce category discount plugins?

The best WooCommerce category discounts plugins are “Discount rules for WooCommerce,” “ELEX dynamic pricing and discounts” and “Yith Dynamic pricing and discounts.”

What are WooCommerce category discounts?

Woocommerce category discounts are a type of discount where the discount is offered only to one or more specific categories. Category discounts in WooCommerce encourage customers to make purchases within particular product categories.

How do I add a discount to a category in WooCommerce?

To add a discount to a category in WooCommerce, install and activate “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin. 
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Give a rule name and choose the discount type based on your requirement.
4. In the filter section, choose “category,” select “In list” and choose the category you want to offer discount.
5. Select the discount type as a percentage discount, fixed discount or fixed price per item and set the discount value.
6. Save and Enable the rule.

How do I customize a product category in WooCommerce?

1. To customize a product category in Woocommerce, go to your WordPress dashboard->WooCommerce-> Products->Categories
2. Give a category name, and slug name, add a description and click add new category button. 
3. After creating a category, go to products
4. Click Add new, create a new product and add the new category that you have created or select any existing product and add that product to the new category that you have created. 
Likewise, you can customize a number of categories and add specific products to them.

How do I organize my products by category in WooCommerce?

1. To organize your products by category in WooCommerce, go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Products
2. Now choose the product that you want to organize.
3. Go to the product categories section and add the products to the specific category.
4. Finally, Click update.

How do I show subcategories on WooCommerce category page?

1. To show subcategories on WooCommerce category page, go to your WordPress->WooCommerce->Products
2. Choose the product and in the product categories section, add the product the parent category and the suitable subcategory.
3. Click, update.

How do I change the number of products on a category page in WooCommerce?

1. To show subcategories on WooCommerce category page, go to your WordPress->Appearance->customize->WooCommerce->product catalog
2. In the products per page section, choose the number of products you want. 
3. Click Publish.

How do I bulk add items to a category in WooCommerce?

To add bulk items to a category in WooCommerce, use ELEX WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Products, Prices & Attributes plugin.

How do I apply a discount to a category in WooCommerce?

To apply a discount to a category in WooCommerc, install and activate “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin. 
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Give a rule name and choose the discount type based on your requirement.
4. In the filter section, choose “category,” select “In list” and choose the category you want to offer discount.
5. Select the discount type as a percentage discount, fixed discount or fixed price per item and set the discount value.
6. Save and Enable the rule.

How to enable WooCommerce category discount?

To enable Woocommerce category discount, install and activate “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Give a rule name and choose the discount type based on your requirement.
4. In the filter section, choose “category,” select “In list” and choose the category you want to offer discount.
5. Select the discount type as a percentage discount, fixed discount or fixed price per item and set the discount value.
6. Save and Enable the rule.

Picture of Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana Ravichandran

Sadhana is an enthusiastic content writer who infuses creativity into every word she pens. For her, writing, dancing, and painting form a symphony of expression.
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