How to Offer WooCommerce Free Shipping Based on Different Conditions? (A Step-By-Step Guide)


WooCommerce free shipping is a popular technique used by store owners all over the world to reduce cart abandonments and increase conversions drastically.

The default WooCommerce feature allows you to offer free shipping to all products in your store. Applying no-cost delivery on all products is impractical and will cost your profit.

To provide zero-cost shipping to specific products, you can use a WooCommerce advanced free shipping plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.” This plugin lets you use a number of conditions to give free shipping.

Keep reading to learn about WooCommerce free shipping and how to offer different types of WooCommerce free shipping with the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin. Also, learn the best practices to offer no-cost delivery without any friction in your profit.

Offer WooCommerce free shipping with Discount Rules and effortlessly reduce cart abandonments

What is WooCommerce Free Shipping?

WooCommerce free shipping is a marketing tactic where customers get their orders without any additional charges for shipping.

Online Shoppers always compare shipping charges before purchasing any product, and a free shipping offer immediately makes them purchase in your store. Because they prefer free shipping over any other WooCommerce discounts or coupons, it easily grabs customers’ attention and wins you a competitive advantage.

Why Should You Offer WooCommerce Free Shipping?

Offering WooCommerce free shipping is one of the best strategies to attract more customers, reduce cart abandonment, and increase sales. Let’s check more benefits one by one.

  • Earn Customer Satisfaction: Free shipping in WooCommerce enhances customer satisfaction by offering a money-saving shopping experience.
  • Gain Loyal Customers: Zero-cost Shipping in WooCommerce creates a memorable and satisfying shopping experience, which fosters customer loyalty.
  • Attract Price-sensitive customers: Free shipping creates a positive store impression, giving customers a sense of added value. This offer can attract price-sensitive customers to shop with confidence.
  • Reduce Cart Abandonment: Shipping charges often lead to cart abandonment. Offering No-Cost Delivery positively influences customer purchase decisions and minimizes abandoned carts.
  • Win Competitive Advantage: WooCommerce’s free shipping sets your store apart, enticing customers to choose it over competitors during their comparison shopping.

Offer WooCommerce free shipping to win a competitive advantage and attract more customers easily using Discount Rules

How to Offer WooCommerce Free Shipping?

Offering WooCommerce free shipping requires a discount plugin like “Discount Rules Pro for WooCommerce.”

To add a free shipping offer in WooCommerce:

  • Install and activate the Discount Rules Pro plugin
  • Click WooCommerce -> Woo Discount Rules -> Add New Rule
  • Choose “free shipping” as the discount type
  • Go to the Rules section and click “Add Condition”. Set conditions to enable free shipping offers.
  • If needed, add “Rule Limits” to your free shipping offer. Save and enable the rule.

This plugin has a simple layout, which lets you add free shipping in WooCommerce within a few steps. This blog assumes that you already have this plugin. If not, it’s never too late to purchase and download the plugin.

If you want additional information regarding the installation process, please check out this guide.

Let’s create a simple WooCommerce free shipping for specific products.

For Example, Purchase more than 10 T-shirts and enjoy free shipping.

Let’s learn to create this scenario quickly.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.
  2. Click the Add New Rule button.
  3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”
  4. In the Rules Section, click “Add Condition.”
  5. Now choose “Products” as the condition type, select “In list,” choose the products as “T-Shirts,” select “Greater than or equal to (>=),” and set the number of quantities as “10.”
  6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

Look at the screenshot below for a better understanding.

Creating free shipping offer in WooCommerce

Now, we have created free shipping only for specific products. It is possible to create different types of free shipping with this “Discount Rules Pro” plugin.

Types of WooCommerce Advanced Free Shipping

You can create different types of advanced WooCommerce free shipping based on different conditions like:

  • Free shipping for specific product combination
  • WooCommerce free shipping based on Subtotal Value
  • User Role-Based free shipping
  • Free shipping based on the number of items in the cart
  • Purchase-History based free shipping
  • Customer behavior-based free shipping
  • Free shipping for specific country or city

Free Shipping Specific Product Combination

Free shipping for product combinations can encourage customers to try different products in a single purchase, which increases the average order value.

For example, buy more than five Pants and T-Shirts Together and enjoy free shipping.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the ‘Add condition’ button.

5. Choose “Product Combination” as the condition type, choose “T-Shirt” and “Pant” as the products, set the value as “5” and configure the rule based on the screenshot given rule.

 Free shipping for product combination

6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

WooCommerce Free Shipping Based on the Subtotal Value

When you offer free shipping based on the maximum amount spent, you can easily increase the average order value of the customer’s purchase. These are basically cart discounts in WooCommerce.

On the other hand, when you offer it for the minimum amount spent, you can encourage price-sensitive customers to make a purchase in your store.

For example, purchase over $200 and enjoy free shipping.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the Add condition button.

5. Choose “Subtotal” as the condition type, set the value as “200” and configure the rule based on the screenshot given below.

 Offering free shipping based on total order value

6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

Now we have created a WooCommerce free shipping over amount.

User-role Based Free Shipping

You can send tailor-made offers for specific user roles like wholesale customers, retail customers, shop managers, and more. This way, you can send targeted zero shipping charges offers and earn customer loyalty.

For Example, free shipping only for Wholesale Customers

Let’s learn to create this offer quickly.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the ‘Add condition’ button.

5. Choose “User role” as the condition type, select “In List,” and select “Wholesale Customer” as the user role.

6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

Look at the screenshot below for a better understanding.

 Offering free shipping for specific user roles

Now, we have created a free shipping offer only for wholesale customers.

Free Shipping Based on the Number of Items in the Cart

This WooCommerce free shipping offer encourages customers to add more items to their cart. This is an effective strategy to increase average order value and get more purchases.

For Example, Purchase any ten items and enjoy free shipping.

Let’s learn to create this offer quickly.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the ‘Add condition’ button.

5. Choose “Item quantity” as the condition type, set the value to “10” and configure the rule based on the screenshot given below.

Offering free shipping based on cart item quantity

6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

Purchase-History Based WooCommerce Free Shipping

You can offer a free shipping discount on the customer’s first order, next order, or nth order. This can encourage potential customers to purchase, winback inactive customers, and increase customer engagement.

For Example, free shipping on your 5th order

Let’s learn to create this offer quickly.

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the ‘Add condition’ button.

5. Choose “number of orders made,” set the value to “4,” select the order status to be “Completed,” and configure the rule based on the screenshot given below.

Offering free shipping based on purchase history

6. Finally, Save and Enable the rule.

Now, we have created a free shipping offer based on the customers’ purchase history.

Customer Behavior-Based Free Shipping

Sending Targeted offers by addressing different customer behaviors like the shipping/billing address and payment method can greatly increase customer engagement and drive more customers.

For example, free shipping is exclusively for PayPal users.

Let’s learn to create this offer quickly.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

1. Click the Add New Rule button.

2. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

3. In the Rules Section, click the Add condition button.

4. Choose “Payment method” as the condition type, select “In list,” and choose “PayPal” as the payment method.

5. Finally, Save and enable the rule.

Look at the screenshot below for a better understanding.

 Free shipping for specific payment method

Now, we have created a free shipping offer only for PayPal Users.

Likewise, you can create different types of free shipping using the number of conditions available.

Free Shipping for Specific Country or City

You can offer free shipping only for specific countries or cities. Customers who order from these locations can get no-cost delivery, while others have to pay shipping charges.

This is the best strategy to reach customers in target regions.

You can combine the above conditions with free shipping to specific locations to attract more customers.

 Offering free shipping for a specific country

Free Shipping with WooCommerce Coupon

You can enable the free shipping option only when customers enter coupon code on their cart or checkout page. To do that:

1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules.

2. Click the Add New Rule button.

3. Choose the discount type as “free shipping.”

4. In the Rules Section, click the ‘Add condition’ button.

5. Choose “coupons” as the condition type and enter the free shipping code as “FREESHIPPING004.”

6. Save and Enable the rule.

Look at the screenshot below for a better understanding.

Offer free shipping with coupon code

Now, the free shipping option is provided only when the customer enters the particular coupon code.

Likewise, you can create different free shipping Coupons for different conditions with coupon codes or URL links.

When Should You Offer Free Shipping in WooCommerce?

You should offer free shipping in WooCommerce only during certain times, like

  • When you want to push customers to purchase by setting the minimum amount spent
  • When you want to create a sense of urgency with Limited-time offers
  • Only when you want to move certain products and more.

Imagine you’re giving WooCommerce free shipping to all products and on all occasions. It’s a serious money down, right?

Worry not; we know exactly when you should offer free shipping so that you get only the benefits of free shipping without losing money.

Let’s check when.

Free shipping over a certain amount: You can encourage higher spending by implementing free shipping for orders crossing a minimum amount. This order value discount not only boosts average order value but also enhances customer satisfaction, leading to Customer loyalty.

WooCommerce free shipping for specific Products/Categories/Attributes:
Create excitement by offering free shipping exclusively on specific products, categories, or attributes. This targeted approach not only makes customers explore your offerings but also gives exclusivity to their shopping experience.

Promotional Offer: Use free shipping as a powerful promotional strategy during sales events or special occasions. This limited-time deal attracts attention, driving both customer engagement and increased sales for your WooCommerce store.

Limited Time-Offer: Create a sense of urgency by providing free shipping as a limited-time offer. This motivates customers to make quicker purchasing decisions, resulting in increased conversions.

Specific Geographical Locations: You can filter your no-cost delivery option to specific geographical locations. By giving this targeted free shipping offer to a specific country or city, you can optimize shipping costs while providing a targeted and appealing offer to customers in particular regions.

WooCommerce free shipping for loyal customers: Integrate free shipping into your customer loyalty programs to reward repeat buyers. This not only adds value to your loyalty program but also strengthens the bond between your brand and loyal customers, developing a sense of appreciation and customer satisfaction.

These are the strategies that you need to follow to make the most out of the free shipping offer without any friction in the profit.

The Best Free Shipping Plugin for WooCommerce

The Best free shipping plugin for WooCommerce is “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” because of its user-friendly and flexible features to set a number of conditions for your free shipping offer.

With the default WooCommerce features, it is not possible to give no-cost delivery for specific products or any specific conditions.

Hence, you definitely need a WooCommerce Advanced free shipping plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”

With this plugin, you can give zero shipping charges based on specific products/Categories/Attributes, subtotal value, cart items, purchase history of the customers, number of orders made by the customers, specific payment method, specific geographical location, and more.

Most importantly, you can give Advanced WooCommerce free shipping Coupons.

That’s a wholesome plugin, isn’t it?

Use this easy–to–use free shipping plugin to offer no-cost delivery based on different conditions and save money.

Offer WooCommerce free shipping to increase conversions and get more sales effortlessly


Shipping charges are one of the major reasons for cart abandonments in WooCommerce. One of the popular strategies to reduce abandoned carts and increase conversions is the WooCommerce free shipping offer.

Zero shipping charges are a great way to grab customers’ attention, increase customer satisfaction, and drive more customers to your store.

To offer WooCommerce free shipping based on specific conditions and to give advanced free shipping coupons, you can use a plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.” It takes only two steps to configure this exciting offer with this plugin.

What to read next?

How do I add free shipping on WooCommerce?

To give free shipping on WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping, add conditions based on your requirement.
4. Save and enable the rule.

How do I automatically apply for free shipping in WooCommerce?

To automatically apply free shipping in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping, and add conditions based on your requirement.
4. Save and enable the rule.

How do I set free shipping on certain products in WooCommerce?

To set free shipping on certain products in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping.
4. In the Rules Section, Click Add condition.
5. Choose “Products” as the condition type and select the products.
6. Save and enable the rule.

How to get the minimum order amount for free shipping in WooCommerce?

To get the minimum order amount for free shipping in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping.
4. In the Rules Section, Click Add condition.
5. Choose “Subtotal” as the condition and set the minimum order amount.
Save and enable the rule.

How do I set up free shipping on WordPress?

To set up free shipping on WordPress, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping, add conditions based on your requirement.
4. Save and enable the rule.

How do I set up Shipping in WooCommerce?

To set up free shipping in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping, add conditions based on your requirement.
4. Save and enable the rule.

How do I enable Shipping charges in WooCommerce?

To enable shipping charges in WooCommerce:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping
2. You can edit the existing shipping zone or click “Add Shipping zone” to create a new shipping zone.
3. Once you have entered the details of the shipping zone, click “Add shipping method.”
4. Now a popup with a drop-down appears. Click on the drop-down, select “Flat Rate,” and then click “Add shipping method.”
5. Click the edit option under “Flat Rate,” set the method title, tax status, and cost, and save changes.
6. Finally, Save changes again.

How do I get free shipping for a specific product in WooCommerce?

To get free shipping for a specific product in WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click the “Add New Rule” button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping.
4. In the Rules Section, Click Add condition.
5. Choose “Products” as the condition type and select the products.
6. Save and enable the rule.

How do I remove shipping charges in WooCommerce?

To remove shipping charges in WooCommerce:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings->General
2. Scroll down to the “Shipping Location” section, click the drop-down, and select “Disable shipping & shipping calculations.”
3. Finally, scroll down and save changes.

How do I enable free shipping on WooCommerce?

To enable free shipping on WooCommerce, install and activate the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce” plugin.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Woo Discount Rules
2. Click Add New Rule button.
3. Choose the discount type as free shipping, add conditions based on your requirement.
Save and enable the rule.

Where are shipping settings in WooCommerce?

To find shipping settings in WooCommerce, Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping.

How do I change shipping settings in WooCommerce?

To change the shipping setting in WooCommerce:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard->WooCommerce->Settings->Shipping
2. Change the shipping settings and Save Changes.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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