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How to Set Up WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts?


Are you missing out on sales because your pricing can’t adapt to customer buying habits? Sticking with fixed prices can cause you to lose sales to competitors who change prices quickly.

Imagine if you could automatically give discounts for bulk purchases or run weekend sales. Dynamic pricing strategies allow you to adapt to market fluctuations, meet customer expectations, and maximize sales opportunities.

Although WooCommerce doesn’t have a built-in feature, you can use the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce—Pro” plugin to adjust product prices based on purchase criteria.

In this blog post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Dynamic Pricing, from its powerful features to how to set it up in just a few clicks.

Set up dynamic pricing for specific products in WooCommerce easily using Discount Rules Pro and boost sales.

What is WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing?

WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing allows you to set flexible prices for products based on certain rules. These rules can include discounts based on quantities purchased, user roles, or product categories, enabling personalized pricing strategies in an online store.

By implementing dynamic pricing, you can offer personalized discounts, promotions, or pricing tiers to attract customers and increase sales.

Types of Dynamic Pricing To Offer In WooCommerce Store

WooCommerce dynamic pricing offers great flexibility for creating different pricing structures. With a variety of pricing rules at your disposal, you can craft targeted promotions that drive customer action and boost your sales.

Here are some common types of dynamic pricing types you can implement to reach your target customers:

  1. Tiered or Quantity-based pricing: Discounts are offered based on the quantity of items purchased. For example, $10 each for 1-10 units, $9 each for 11-20 units, and so on.
  2. Category-based pricing: Discounts are applied based on the category of products. For instance, a store might offer 15% off on all electronics or 20% off on all clothing items.
  3. User role-based pricing: Different pricing tiers are set for different user roles. Regular customers might see one price, while wholesale customers or VIP members might see discounted prices.
  4. Time-based pricing: Prices are adjusted based on the time of purchase. For example, a flash sale discount can be implemented for a limited time or during a specific period.
  5. Location-based pricing: Prices vary based on the customer’s location. This can be useful for offering discounts to customers in specific regions or adjusting prices based on local market conditions.
  6. Product bundling: Bundle Discounts are applied when customers purchase a set of products together. For example, a 25% discount is offered when purchasing a laptop and a laptop bag together.
  7. Dynamic pricing based on cart total: Discounts are applied based on the total value of items in the customer’s shopping cart. For example, offering a 10% discount on orders over $100.
  8. BOGO pricing: Customers purchase one product at full price and can buy a second identical or different product for free or at a discounted price. For example, customers receive one free t-shirt when they purchase 2 or 3 t-shirts.
  9. Product-specific pricing: Prices vary for specific products based on factors such as demand, seasonality, or inventory levels.
  10. Conditional pricing rules: Discounts are applied based on specific conditions, such as buying certain products together, reaching a minimum purchase amount, or purchasing during a promotional period.

Benefits Of Using Dynamic Pricing In WooCommerce

Dynamic pricing in WooCommerce is not only useful for boosting sales but also provides other benefits such as:

  • Flexible Strategy Implementation: With dynamic pricing, you can easily experiment with different pricing strategies to find what works best for your products.
  • Increase Sales Volume: Dynamic pricing encourages customers to buy more by offering discounts to meet purchase criteria, leading to gradual sales and revenue growth.
  • Effective Inventory Management: Dynamic pricing helps boost sales of specific products by adjusting prices. It’s not just about raising prices; you can also lower prices on slow-selling items and offer discounts to clear out inventory.
  • Competitive Advantage: Dynamic pricing analyzes competitor performance and product demand, allowing store owners to stay ahead of the competition and attract more customers.
  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: By rewarding repeat customers with exclusive discounts or offering dynamic pricing based on purchase history, it can foster loyalty and encourage repeat business.

Set time-based dynamic pricing in WooCommerce using the Discount Rules Pro plugin and increase revenue during high-demand periods.

How To Set Up WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing?

Dynamic Pricing allows you to set price rules based on products, order totals, user roles, product categories, and more.

Setting WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discounts for specific products or categories can boost sales only if applied correctly.

WooCommerce lacks dynamic pricing features. However, you can use a discount plugin called “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro” to create various advanced dynamic pricing for WooCommerce.

You can check this installation guide to install and activate this plugin to your WordPress – WooCommerce dashboard.

For this blog, consider selling a range of “Tea Bags with various flavors” on your online store.

Now, let’s discuss the detailed steps to create different types of dynamic pricing and discounts for WooCommerce using this plugin to increase the sales of “Tea Bags.”

Scenario 1: Dynamic Pricing for Specific User Roles

Offering dynamic pricing for specific user roles, such as Wholesalers, Subscribers, or VIP members, will help you personalize pricing based on their purchase behavior and enhance loyalty.

Example: Offering an exclusive deal for Wholesale customers – $5 off on all products.

Before starting these steps, install and activate the “Discount Rules” plugin.

To create dynamic pricing in WooCommerce for specific user roles:

  • Go to WooCommerce and select “Discount Rules”.
  • Click the “Add New Rule” button and enter the name for your dynamic pricing campaign.
  • Now, choose “Discount Type” as “Product Adjustment.”
  • Filter “All Products” as we apply storewide discounts.
  • Select “Fixed Discount” in the Discount section and set the value “5”.
  • In the Rules section, choose “Condition Type” as “User Role” and select the specific user role, “Wholesale Dealer”.
  • Save the rule.
Setting Dynamic Pricing for Specific User Roles

$5 off is applied to all products for wholesale customers only.

Demo of Time-Based Dynamic Pricing

Note: You can also apply these dynamic discounts for specific customers (users) instead of user groups.

Scenario 2: Time-Based Dynamic Pricing in WooCommerce

Dynamic pricing and discounts for WooCommerce can be applied only during specific periods or days. It is one of the best ways to promote holiday sales.

Example: Bulk Discounts- valid from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on March 6, 2024. The bulk discount price can be:

  • Buy 1-3 Tea Bags: Each $5 Off
  • Buy 4-10 Tea Bags: Each $10 Off
  • Buy 11 or More: Each $15 Off

To create time-based dynamic pricing and discounts for WooCommerce:

  • Go to “WooCommerce” and open “Discount Rules” to add a rule.
  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Bulk Discount”.
  • Filter “All Products” as we apply storewide discounts.
  • In the Discount section, set the Minimum and Maximum Quantity and choose “Fixed Discount” with value.
  • Select “Condition Type” in the Rules section as “Date and Time” and set the specific period.
  • Save the rule.
Setting Time-Based Dynamic Pricing

Now, bulk discounts in WooCommerce are applied to products only during a specific date and time.

Demo of Time-Based Dynamic Pricing

Scenario 3: Dynamic Discounts for Specific Products

You can apply WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discounts to specific products based on their demand.

Example: Let’s say the “Jasmine Tea Bag” sales are lower than expected. So, we will reduce its original price to $5.

To create dynamic pricing in WooCommerce for specific products:

  • Go to “WooCommerce” -> “Discount Rules.”
  • Add a new rule.
  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Product Adjustment”.
  • Filter the specific product.
  • Select “Fixed Price Per Item” in the Discount section and set the value. Here, the original price of “Jasmine Tea Bags” is $45, so I am setting the value as “$40” with $5 off.
  • Save the rule.
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing for Specific Products

If you want to increase the product price, you can simply navigate to the product page and select the specific product to change its regular and sale price.

Or, you can also bulk edit two or more products to increase or decrease their prices at once.

Adjusting Product Price in Bulk

Note: You can also apply WooCommerce dynamic pricing and discounts for specific categories.

Scenario 4: Location-Based Dynamic Discount Deals

If you target customers from specific locations, you can offer dynamic pricing only to that specific shipping country or state.

Example: Offering Bundle discounts on “Peppermint Tea” only for customers from “Morocco” country.

To create dynamic pricing in WooCommerce based on location:

  • Navigate to “Discount Rules” in “WooCommerce.”
  • Choose “Discount Type” as “Bundle Discount.”
  • Filter the specific product.
  • In the Discount section, set “Quantity” and “Value.” You can have three discount types to select from:
    • Fixed price for the set/bundle
    • Percentage discount per item
    • Fixed discount per item.
  • In the “Rules” section, choose “Condition” as “Country” and select the specific location. Save the rule.
Location-Based WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

The actual price of 3 sets of “Peppermint Tea Bag” is $90, but only $80 is applied to the customer from “Morocco.”

Applying dynamic pricing and discount to specific location

Note: In addition to a dynamic pricing strategy, you can also offer free shipping to specific locations in WooCommerce to attract customers from those regions.

Similar to these above scenarios, you can mix and match purchase conditions with specific discount types to offer dynamic pricing to your customers.

You can also learn to create Buy One Get One (BOGO) deals in WooCommerce to offer dynamic pricing based on their buying quantity.

Do’s and Don’ts of Dynamic Pricing in WooCommerce

Dynamic pricing must be implemented carefully to benefit both customers and businesses. Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure you use it effectively.

Do’s of Dynamic Pricing

  • Analyze Customer Data: Use purchase history, browsing behavior, demographics, and location data to tailor pricing strategies effectively.
  • Segmentation: Divide customers based on loyalty, purchase frequency, or cart value for personalized pricing.
  • Offer Discounts Smartly: Offer discounts to encourage bulk purchases, repeat purchases, or off-peak hour shopping.
  • Transparent Communication: Clearly explain dynamic pricing to customers to build trust and prevent confusion or dissatisfaction.

Don’ts of Dynamic Pricing

  • Overcomplicate Pricing: Avoid adding too many rules or conditions to your pricing strategy, as it can confuse customers and undermine the effectiveness of dynamic pricing.
  • Neglect Competitive Analysis: Don’t overlook monitoring competitors’ pricing strategies to ensure your dynamic pricing remains competitive in the market.
  • Discounting Too Heavily: Avoid excessive discounting that could devalue your products or erode your profit margins over time.
  • Ignoring Legal Considerations: Make sure to comply with legal regulations, particularly concerning pricing transparency, discrimination, and anti-competitive practices.
  • Ignoring Customer Preferences: Don’t implement dynamic pricing without considering customer preferences and perceptions, as it could lead to backlash or alienation.

Offer dynamic pricing for specific customers or customer groups using the Discount Rules Pro plugin to capitalize on customer preferences.


Offering dynamic pricing is risk-free and easier than you think. It is one of the best strategies for increasing sales and revenue based on product demand.

Utilize the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro” plugin to create various dynamic pricing strategies and sell more products.

Also Read:

What is the best dynamic pricing and discount plugin in WooCommerce?

The best dynamic pricing and discount plugin in WooCommerce is the “Discount Rules for WooCommerce – Pro.” You can download the free version of the plugin to start creating dynamic pricing in a few easy steps.

How do I change the product price dynamically in WooCommerce?

To change the product price dynamically in WooCommerce, you need a dynamic pricing plugin like “Discount Rules for WooCommerce.”
1. Go to “Discount Rule” -> Click “Add New Rule.”
2. Enter the rule name and select the discount type.
3. You can provide a discount for specific or all products.
4. In the discount section, you can set the discount value based on your sales goal.
5. Save and enable the rule to offer dynamic pricing.

How do I install the WooCommerce dynamic pricing plugin?

To install the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin, follow these simple steps:
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new.
2. Search for “Discount Rules for WooCommerce”
3. Install and activate the plugin to use it.

Is it possible to set Bulk Discounts in WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing?

Yes, it is possible to set Bulk Discounts in WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing using a plugin.

Picture of Nanthini Sri

Nanthini Sri

I'm Nanthini, an experienced marketer turned content writer. Specializing in B2B and ecommerce, I have a knack for simplifying intricate concepts, making industry insights easily accessible to all readers. When not crafting content, catch me immersed in books or binge-watching dramas!
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